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유기가공식품의 소비실태분석 연구

제1장 서론
제2장 유기가공식품 소비현황
제3장 유기가공식품의 소비성향과 구매 행태
제4장 유기가공식품 장래소비의향 요인분석
제5장 유기가공식품 소비촉진 방향
제6장 요약 및 결론
유기농산물의 생산량이 증가함에 따라 유기가공식품에 대한 수요창출 대안이 요구되고 있다. 본 연구는 유기가공식품에 대한 인식, 구매패턴 등 소비요인에 대한 사회적 관심이 크게 증가하고 있는 가운데 유기가공제품 소비실태를 체계적으로 분석하고 유기농가, 소비자, 가공업자, 유관기관의 의사결정을 위한 기초자료를 제공하기 위해 추진되었다. 수도권 주부들을 대상으로 한 소비자조사 결과를 바탕으로 국산 유기가공식품의 인지도, 구매행태 등을 분석하였고 순서형 로지스틱 회귀모형을 이용하여 향후 소비의향을 분석하였다.
The purpose of this study is to systematically analyze the consumer purchasing behaviors and future consumption towards homemade organically processed food(HOPF), and to derive directions for consumption promotion of HOPF. To this end, a survey was conducted for quantitative analyses regarding consumer purchasing behaviors and future consumption.
This study used Ordinal Logistic Regression Model to derive more significant results in analyzing factors of future consumption. The analytical results were used to derive policy directions aimed at boosting the HOPF consumption.
The consumer survey was conducted for 503 housewives living in Seoul and Gyeonggi Provinces using online. Among the respondents(400 housewives who have purchased HOPF) those in their 30s amounted to 40(10.5 percent), followed by those in their 40s with 182(45.5 percent), and those in their 50s or above with 178(44.5 percent). From the income perspective, 52.0 percent of the respondents were 3million won to 4million won. Among the respondents(103 housewives who have not purchased HOPF) those in their 30s to 40s amounted to 70.9 percent. From the income perspective, 58.3 percent of the respondents were 3million won to 4million won.
The consumer survey conducted regarding certification mark and additives sign has found that the majority of domestic consumers confirm those. In detail 72.8 percent of those responded said that “I confirm certification mark while buying HOPF.” And 67.8 percent of those responded said that “I confirm additives sign while buying HOPF.”
In relation to the future consumption toward HOPF, the Ordinal Logistic Regression Model was applied for analysis. The findings was that the younger consumers with high income are more likely to purchase HOPF. And those consumers who recognize the price and quality contentment to be high are more likely to purchase HOPF. And the contentment of certification instrument and improvement of health have a significant plus relationship with future consumption.
The consumer survey conducted regarding consumption promotion has found that price reduction, reliability improvement, and store expansion are needed to promote consumption. Consumers who have purchased HOPF were found to pay 51 percent more for it. This level show that the current level of price premium for HOPF is 51 percent higher than their desired level. The consumer survey conducted regarding improvement of health has found that 48.8 percent of those responded said that "HOPF is helpful to family health.
In order to reduce price premium for the HOPF effective policy programs should be developed. The target market strategy to sell HOPF to the younger consumers with high income is needed to boost consumption. To expand consumption, it is necessary to strengthen promotional efforts. The strict certification management system should be established to enhance consumer reliability in the food.
Researchers: Jeong, Hak-Kyun and Jang, Jeong-Kyung
Research period: 2010. 12. - 2011. 1.
E-mail address: hak8247@krei.re.kr

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