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2010년 국제농업협력사업

제1장 사업개요
제2장 기획협력사업
제3장 일반협력사업
제4장 국제사회와의 공동협력사업
제5장 국제심포지엄
제6장 사업관리
우리나라가 ’09년 OECD/DAC에 가입한 시점 전후로 유상 및 무상원조의 규모는 크게 늘어나고 있다. 정부는 ’15년까지 공적개발원조, 즉 ODA의 규모를 GNI 대비 0.25%로 확대한다는 계획을 가지고 있는데, 이는 금액상으로 ’09년 수준의 세 배에 달한다. 우리의 발전경험을 효율적으로 전수하기 위한 콘텐츠 개발 등 원조를 내실화하기 위한 선진화 방안도 마련되고 있다.
농업부문은 저개발국이 발전의 긴 여정을 시작하기 위한 시발점이자 개도국 개발의 핵심 분야이다. 농업생산성을 높이고 인프라를 개선함으로써 기아문제, 즉 식량안보를 해결하고, 빈곤인구의 4분의 3이 거주하는 농촌의 종합적인 발전을 지원함으로써 가난에서 벗어나는 계기를 마련해 주어야 한다.
농림수산식품부는 ’06년부터 추진한 국제농업협력 사업을 한 단계 도약시키기 위해 노력해 왔다. 우리 연구원은 올해 초 국제농업개발협력센터를 설치하고 농식품부로부터 협력사업의 관리업무를 위탁받아 수행해 왔다. 일반사업 10개와 기획사업 4개, 국제사회와의 공동사업 2개에 대한 사업발굴과 사업자 선정, 평가, 그리고 국제심포지엄의 개최, 홍보, 정산 등 짧은 기간에 간단하지 않은 일들을 숨 가쁘게 수행하여 왔다.
이 보고서에는 이러한 관리업무의 수행 과정과 그 결과를 담았다.
The purpose of this study was to explore the strategies for improving the professionality of farmer education and training practitioners. Korean government has pursued to strengthen the administrative functions of assessment and management of the International Agricultural Cooperation projects, and information accumulation and public relations. It is for the enhancement of country's international image and globalization of Korean agriculture, which will be attained through more efficient implementation of official development assistance(ODA) for developing countries' agricultural and rural development.
In 2010, the International Agricultural Cooperation projects are classified into three categories: ordinary(short-term) projects, special (long-term) projects, and collaborative projects(with other countries and/or international organizations). In addition to this, an international symposium was planned to be held by the year.
Among special projects, Tshuenge village development project in Democratic Republic of Congo is started in 2010 and will be performed until 2013. The project includes village development planning, farming facilities (storage and rice drying plant), common facilities(community center and drinking water development), income increase(aquaculture, home rice millers), off-farm technology training, farmers' organization, oversea training, expert secondment, provision of materials, and holding of workshop.
The second one is the Establishment of farm extension system in Mozambique. It is for planning and construction of a central extension center, oversea training, expert secondment, formation of demonstration farm, and provision of materials.
The third special project is rural development project in the Philippines, which will continue until 2012. It includes village development planning, oversea training, expert secondment, income increase and transfer of farming technologies, construction of community center and multi-purpose storage, capacity building, provision of materials, and holding of workshop.
In Cambodia, the project for integrated rice processing system is being implemented. For the project, experts are dispatched for consulting, and drying facilities as well as a pilot rice processing complex(RPC) are to be installed. Oversea training, provision of materials and holding of workshop are also parts of the project.
Selection committees have chosen eleven projects in total for ordinary projects, and among them ten projects were implemented in 2010. Target countries are Vietnam, Laos, China(Jilin Province), Bhutan, Papua New Guinea, Mongolia, and Mozambique. Diverse sub-projects were implemented, for example, demonstration farm, comprehensive village development, holding of workshop and policy roundtable, expert secondment and consulting, and for on.
For collaborative project category, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations and KREI shared opinions about a project to form national plans of food safety emergency response system for selected a few underdeveloped countries. In 2001, a food safety expert was dispatched to further discuss about the matter.
Ethiopia is the country for which Korea has discussed with Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation about collaborative project. Delegates were dispatched to Ethiopia for identifying development needs and any promising projects. After the survey, delegates suggested five candidate projects, including micro-irrigation development in the country.
KREI held an international symposium titled "Global Food Security and International Development and Cooperation for Agriculture and Rural Development: International Cases and Implications on the Role of Korea" between 8th and 10th, December 2010. The symposium aimed to examine recent trends and country cases of international cooperation for global food security and agricultural and rural development. International and domestic speakers made ten presentations, including keynote speech which was delivered by Dr. Hak-Su Kim, former Executive Secretary of the UN ESCAP. Those who participated in the symposium from abroad were from the organizations of OECD, World Bank, African Development Bank(AfDB), New Partnership for Africa's Development(NEPAD) which is a program of the African Union(AU), U.S. Embassy in Korea, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan, Council for Agricultural and Rural Development of Cambodia, Vietnamese Embassy in Korea, and Democratic Republic of Congo Saemaul Undong Center.
Related with the management and administration of international agricultural cooperation projects, KREI performed a short-term research to search for medium- to long-term strategies for more effective and advanced project implementation. The research tried to provide guidelines for functional coordination among public agencies, selection of focus countries for cooperation, systematization of project implementation, restructurating of budget system, and reorganization of implementing institutions.
Early 2010, the annual evaluation plan was made, and, based on the plan, a series of evaluation events were held: launching workshop in May, mid-term monitoring and evaluation in August, and the end result reporting workshop in December 2010. During the evaluation, experts in diverse disciplines, both from agricultural and non-agricultural fields, were invited as evaluators for securing fairness, objectivity, and specialty.
Other related activities include distribution of press releases and publication of a brochure introducing KREI's Center for International Agricultural Development and Cooperation and its functions, roles and activities. The brochure was written in Korean, English and French.
The literature reviews on farmer education and training practitioners' extending learning opportunities.
Researchers: Jang Heo, Dae-Seob Lee, Yong-Taek Kim, Jeong-Seung Kim, Jae-Hoon Shim, and Urim Cho
Research period: 2010. 3. - 2010. 12.
E-mail address: heojang@krei.re.kr

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