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중국의 친환경농식품 시장 현황과 전망

제1장 서론
제2장 중국의 친환경농식품 분류 및 인증제도
제3장 중국의 친환경농식품 생산·유통구조 분석
제4장 중국의 친환경농식품 시장 현황
제5장 중국의 친환경농식품 육성정책
제6장 중국의 친환경농식품 시장 전망 및 시사점
이 연구는 우리의 친환경농식품이 세계의 소비시장으로 부상하고 있는 중국시장에 진출을 모색할 필요가 있다는 문제의식에서 출발하였다. 우리나라의 친환경농업과 비교되는 중국의 친환경농식품 산업 및 시장 현황과 특징을 파악하고, 이를 토대로 위협(threat)과 기회(opportunity)라는 두 가지 관점에서 우리나라 친환경농식품산업에 대한 정책적 시사점을 제시하는데 이 연구의 목적이 있다.
This study was launched with the recognition that as China is emerging as the consumer market of the world, there is a need to seek an entry into the market for Korea’s environment-friendly agricultural products. The purpose of this study was to find out the current state and characteristics of China’s environment-friendly agro-food market and based on this understanding present policy implications for Korea’s environment-friendly agro-food industry from the two points of view of ‘threat’ and ‘opportunity.’
The policy implications derived from this study are as follows.
First, China’s environment-friendly agricultural products can be a big threat to the whole of Korean agriculture when the circumstances for trade between Korea and China change, such as signing of a free trade agreement, and when China's low-price, high-quality agro-foods are imported into the domestic market. Therefore, there is a need to build a monitoring system for tracking China’s environment-friendly agro-food industry and markets.
Second, a systematized production and management system based on the model of 'enterprises+production base+farm households' is firmly established in the Chinese environment-friendly agro-food industry, and enterprises play a very significant role. This is basically different from the production and management structure of Korea's environment-friendly agriculture which is based on family farms or small-scale production units. In Korea, too, it is necessary to come up with policy measures that can strengthen the linkage between domestic agro-food firms and farm households that produce environment-friendly agricultural products.
Third, the environment-friendly agro-food market in China is still a niche market. In entering the Chinese market, it is in a sense more realistic to export agricultural products in the form of processed goods rather than fresh agricultural products that would face more constraints. For this purpose, it is necessary to foster production and management entities equipped with advanced processing technologies. Also, it is necessary to positively examine measures for making inroads into the Chinese market in the form of agricultural investment or exports selling agricultural materials used in environment-friendly farming.
Fourth, in order to facilitate the entry of Korea's environment-friendly agro-foods into world markets including China, it is necessary to secure a quality assurance system that is comparable to global standards and register them as certified green products in export markets. In order to enable domestic certification of environment-friendly agro-foods to be valid in the Chinese market, it is necessary to sign a treaty recognizing Korea's eco-labels.

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