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제주지하수가 지역경제 및 산업에 기여하는 경제적 가치평가

2010.12.01 50844
연구보고서 표지
  • 과제성격
  • 저자
    성명환, 박현태; 김경필; 이상민; 한혜성; 강지영; 신효중
  • 등록일
  • 연구주제

제1장 서론
제2장 제주지역의 산업구조 현황 및 특성
제3장 제주지하수의 부존 및 개발·이용 실태
제4장 제주 물산업의 산업연관분석
제5장 제주지하수의 경제적 가치분석
제6장 제주 물산업의 발전 방안


제주지하수는 제주지역의 인문사회학적 및 자연생태계학적 환경을 구성·유지하는 중요한 요소로서 청정 제주의 자연생태계 유지 등 여러 가지 역할을 수행하고 있다. 최근 제주도 관광인구 증가, 농업 형태의 변화 등으로 물 수요량이 꾸준히 늘고 있어 지하수의 중요성이 높아지고 있다. 기후변화로 인하여 수자원의 지역적 차이, 이용 증가 등 제주지하수의 가치는 더욱 증가될 것으로 예상된다.

이와 같이 제주지하수가 제주지역 사회, 경제, 산업에 미치는 영향이 큼에도 불구하고 지하수의 경제적·비경제적 가치에 대한 평가는 전무한 실정이다. 제주지하수와 지역경제 및 산업간 연관관계 분석뿐만 아니라 제주지하수의 산업화를 위한 관련 기초자료를 정비할 필요가 있다.

이 연구의 목적은 제주지하수의 경제적·비경제적 가치를 평가하고 제주지하수 산업의 발전 방향을 제시하는 것이다. 제주지역 물산업의 안정적인 내수기반을 유지하기 위한 전략으로 제주지역 물순환구조를 파악할 수 있는 통계정보시스템 구축 방안을 제시한다. 제주지역의 자연 환경적 특성을 반영한 고부가가치 지하수산업을 창출하기 위함이다.

The climate change, shortage of water and environment pollution has become a big issue all over the world. Korea is classified as country with suffering from water shortage. Especially, in case of Jeju Island, it is completely depending on subterranean water not only drinking water but also public water, industrial water and agricultural water, etc. because of its hydro-geological condition unlike the inland. The importance of subterranean water of Jeju Island has highlighted since the water demand has greatly increased due to improvement of the standard of living, growth of tourism population and changes of agricultural patterns, etc.
Also, the subterranean water constitutes an important element in Jeju Island in terms of human scientific and ecological environment, and it carries out various roles such as preserving the ecological system of the island. However, although the subterranean water has been wielding a great influence on the society, economy and industry of Jeju Island, there has been almost none evaluation on the economic and non-economic value of such subterranean water. Therefore, it is required to prepare a basic data for the sustainable development of water industry and maintain a basic statistical data for the industrialization of the subterranean water of Jeju Island by analyzing the co-relations of the subterranean water with the local economy and industry and by evaluating the economical and ecological value of the subterranean water in Jeju Island.
Jeju Island has an ideal given conditions of a warm climate which is appropriate for agriculture, forestry and fishery industries including horticulture, etc. On the other hand, the infrastructure of manufacture industry is not substantial because of its geographical limit as an island. Due to such conditions, the industrial structure of Jeju Island has given importance on agricultural industry and tourism industry which demand large volume of water. Per annum, Jeju Island use 117 million tons of water and 72.5% of it (85 million tons) uses for agriculture. Public water takes 25.1% (29 million tons) and industrial water and others takes 2.3% (3 million tons).
Taking a look at the water industry of Jeju Island in 2005, its gross domestic product was KRW 105.3 billion, its added value was KRW 56.8 billion and it employed a total of 394 persons. They take respectively 0.76%, 0.76%, and 0.19% of local industry. Among those, the drinking water industry's gross domestic product, added value and employment was KRW 65.02 billion, KRW 32.26 billion and 273 persons in that order. On the other hand, the gross domestic product, added value and employment of water supply industry of Jeju Island was KRW 40.26, KRW 24.54 and 273 persons. In terms of production, the drinking water industry was bigger than the water supply industry in size. However, in terms of employment, the water supply industry was bigger than drinking water industry in size. According to the analysis results, the drinking water industry was bigger in terms of the final demand and the water supply industry was bigger in terms of intermediate demand.
In order to analyze the economic effect of water industry, the effect was analyzed by the scenario using the Regional Input-output Table. According to the results, in case where the demand of drinking water of Jeju Island increases up to 10%, the gross domestic product of Jeju Island would increase up to KRW 7.5 billion and added valued would increase KRW 3.7 billion and it would create 32 more jobs. In case where the demand of tourism (accommodation industry and restaurant business) increases 10% (KRW 100 billion), the gross domestic product of Jeju Island would increase up to KRW 138.7 billion and added valued would increase KRW 65.4 billion and it would create 3,171 more jobs.
On the other hand, if the water supplies of Jeju Island decrease by 10%, it is estimated that the gross domestic product, added value and employment would be decreased by KRW 8.6 billion, KRW 5.1 billion and 98 persons respectively. Especially, it was analyzed that the decrease of water supply would affect most greatly the water industry followed by the service industry, accommodation and restaurant industry, vegetable and fruit agricultural industry, and fishery culture industry. Therefore, if the supply of subterranean water should decrease due to changes of water volume and quality, it could have a great influence on the 1st and 3rd industry related to water.
It was estimated that the economic and non- economic value of subterranean water of Jeju Island would be about 158 trillion. According to the results of the inter-industry analysis on economic value of water industry, it was estimated as KRW 111 billion. Considering the inflation, its value in 2008 was estimated as KRW 123.3 billion. According to the results of estimating the consumer's surplus using the non-economic value analysis method, it was estimated as KRW 1.7~2.4 billion for the residents of Jeju Island and KRW 304.7 billion for the visitors to the Jeju Island. Based on 645 million tons of permitted volume of use of subterranean water, the potential use value of subterranean water was estimated KRW 985 if applied by the production unit cost of water supply and drainage, KRW 137.4 billion if applied by average supply unit cost of raw water, KRW 90.3 billion if applied by the average supply unit cost of agricultural water if applied by the price of Samdasu, KRW 2.7491 billion and 154 trillion if applied by the average selling price of Samdasu.
Due to geographical disproportion of water affected by continuing climate changes and increased use of water source, it is forecasted that the economic value of subterranean water of Jeju Island will be escalated. In order to be prepared for water shortage in the future due to population increase and climate changes and lay stable foundation of water industry of Jeju Island, it is highly required to establish more infrastructures related to water industry. Especially, it is necessary to establish an efficient and reliable statistical system which helps to figure out the water circulation structure of Jeju Island to use it as basic data for making policy and investment.
Also, it is required to extend the range of water related industry based on the subterranean water resources. Such as high value industry connected to tourism and service industry reflecting the environmental features of the Jeju Island and innovative water circulation system, a comprehensive countermeasure to create economic value and to evaluate the quality of life of Jeju residents are to be devised.

Researchers: Myung-Hwan Sung, Hyun-Tae Park, Sang-Min Lee, Kyung-Phil Kim, Hye-Sung Han, Ji-Yung Kang, and Hio-Jung Shin
Email address: mhsung@krei.re.kr

성명환Sung, Myunghwan
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성명환Sung, Myunghwan
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