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농촌용수의 효율적 이용 및 관리방안

제1장 서 론
제2장 수자원 및 농촌용수의 수급 전망과 과제
제3장 수리시설 및 유지·관리사업의 현황과 과제
제4장 농업용 수리시설 이용 및 관리체계의 현황과 과제
제5장 농촌용수의 효율적 이용 및 관리 방안
제6장 요약 및 결론
우리나라는 연 강수량은 많지만 인구밀도가 높기 때문에 1인당 강수량이 2,591㎥로 세계 평균 19,635㎥의 13%에 지나지 않아 물 부족 국가로 분류된다. 반면 무엇을 낭비할 때 “물 쓰듯이 한다”는 표현을 사용할 정도로 물의 효율적 이용에는 소홀했다. 물 사용량은 계속 늘어왔고 앞으로도 증가할 전망인데 환경 문제 등으로 댐이나 저수지를 새로 짓기는 어려운 실정이다. 물 부족 국가 그 자체에 대한 논란이 있지만 이제 우리나라도 낭비해도 좋을 만큼 물이 풍부하지 않다는 것은 분명한 사실이다. 우리나라 물 이용의 절반 정도를 농업용수가 차지한다. 전체 물 이용 및 관리의 효율화를 위해서 농업용수의 효율적 이용 및 관리가 중요하다.
이 연구는 농업 또는 농촌용수의 효율적인 이용 및 관리 방안을 제시하는 데 목적을 두었다. 구체적으로 전체 수자원 및 농촌용수의 수급 전망, 농업용 수리시설의 현황과 과제, 농촌용수와 수리시설의 이용 및 관리체계 등을 검토·분석함으로써 용수 공급 확대 위주의 정책을 기존 시설의 개보수와 현대화·자동화 및 이용 효율화를 통한 이용관리·수요관리 정책으로 전환하여 물 사용과 관리비용을 절감하면서도 물 이용 수요와 서비스를 충족하는 방안을 도출하고자 하였다.
Water use in South Korea has been continuously increasing capacity, as the current water supply is exceeding water demand. But it's hard to build new water supply of facilities such as dams or reservoirs because of difficulty of the site selection, oppositions to environmental destruction and ecological damage, and climate change. A way to overcome water shortages is water saving or efficiency of water use but the most important method is the efficient use of agricultural water and water facilities. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to present efficient use and management of agricultural water.
In chapter 2, Status of the total water resources, agricultural water supply, and water quality was investigated.. According to Waterplan 2006, the amount of water resources is expected to slightly increase but the amount of water use is to rapidly increase. Agricultural water demand is expected to continue to decline. Measures to supply water to the multi-purpose dam was built and five dams under construction. Agricultural water development projects are in progress but now more than expanding the water supply, water demand reductions should be carried out. And agricultural water quality improvement is needed.
In chapter 3, agricultural water facilities and maintenance business were performed foe the present and future. Irrigated paddy field rates of frequency of drought possibility in 10 years are low, and agricultural water supply facility for elderly rates are high. There are too many small facilities and earthwork waterways. Water supply facility maintenance expenses for agriculture are increasing each year and state benefits and Korea Rural community Corporation's own financing have been increasing recently.
In chapter 4, Use and management systems of agricultural water and water facilities were studied. There are several of the water resources ministry that are managing such as ministry of land, transport and maritime affairs, ministry of environment, Ministry of food, agriculture, forestry and fisheries etc, and there are a lot of laws. Therefore, there are so many ministries and laws that it causes problems such as adjustment and management of water, focusing on development only, absence of standard for own agricultural water quality etc.
In chapter 5, as the result of this study, rather than building new facilities to using and managing efficiently are set to the basic policy direction and we suggested some policy strategies to reformation of irrigation facilities for agriculture. Change irrigation and drainage canal to pipe-lined water-way, addition and improvement or reuse the existing irrigation facilities, multi-purpose use of agricultural water. Also we suggested the reorganization plan of management system for the irrigation facilities that systematic development and use plan for agricultural water, change the state benefits for the management of irrigation facilities to Korea Rural community Corporation's own business work, integrated management organization system.
Researchers: Seok-Doo Park, Hong-Sang Kim, Chang-Ho Kim
Research Period: 2010.1~2010.10
E-mail Address: sdpark@krei.re.kr

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