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FTA 대상국의 농산물 협상 사례분석

제1부 연구개요
제1장 서론
제2부 관세양허 분야
제2장 중국의 FTA 협정
제3장 일본의 FTA 협정
제4장 터키의 FTA 협정
제5장 NAFTA의 FTA 협정
제6장 요약 및 결론
제3부 관세 이외 분야
제7장 원산지 규정
제8장 동식물위생 조치
제9장 기타
제10장 요약 및 결론
우리나라는 세계 주요 경제권과 FTA 협상을 타결하였거나 협상을 진행 중에 있다. 앞으로 협상을 맺게 될 주요 국가는 중국, 일본, 브라질, 터키, 러시아 등으로 볼 수 있다. 이 연구에서는 앞으로 협상을 추진하게 될 FTA 대상국 가운데 우리나라 농업에 큰 영향을 미칠 것으로 예상되는 중국, 일본, 터키 등 3개국을 대상으로 FTA 협상 사례를 분석하였다. 이들 FTA 추진 대상국의 FTA 협상 사례를 분석하는 것은 상대국에 대한 시장개방 요청 전략 수립은 물론 우리나라의 민감품목 보호를 위한 협상전략 수립을 위해서도 필요하다. FTA 협상에 있어서 상대국이 기존에 체결한 FTA 사례는 협상의 중요한 지표로 작용한다.
이 연구는 주요 협상 대상국의 기존 FTA에서의 상품양허 유형, 농식품부문 민감품목 현황, 민감품목의 양허유형 분석, 관세쿼터(TRQ), 농산물 긴급관세(ASG), 관세 이외 분야 등을 농업의 관점에서 분석하였다. 분석 대상은 중국의 경우 ASEAN, 뉴질랜드, 칠레, 대만을 선정하였고, 일본은 멕시코, 칠레, 태국을 선정하였다. 터키는 이집트, 모로코, EU 등 세 가지 사례를 선정하였다.
이 연구보고서는 그동안 발간된 사례연구에 비해 농업분야에 초점을 맞춰 관세양허뿐만 아니라 원산지, 동식물 검역, 농업협력, 지적 재산권 등 FTA 협정을 종합적으로 다룬 최초의 연구로 볼 수 있다.
Korea already finished FTA negotiations with 45 countries including the U.S., EU, ASEAN and India. Korea also tries to make a conclusion in some other FTA negotiations with Canada, Mexico, Colombia, Australia, New Zealand, and Turkey. Therefor remaining major economies scheduled to negotiate will be China, Japan, Russia, and Brazil. In the short run FTA negotiations with China and Japan will be started or resumed. FTA negotiations with Turkey started from 2010.
Some country's outcome of FTA negotiations may affect to following negotiations and it is important to analyse negotiation partners' previous cases. Major objectives of this study are to analyse Korea's major negotiation partners' outcome of previous FTA and provide information for forthcoming negotiation with major partners.
China provided trade opportunities to ASEAN and Taiwan under the consideration of regional political and security measures. However, China tried to protect some agricultural commodities related to food security and rural economy including grains, sugar, oilseed, and tobacco. On the other hand, China kept a defensive position in the negotiation with Chile and New Zealand. China has exception lists in China・Chile agreements for some agricultural commodities related to food security and rural economy including sugar and animal and vegetable oil while Chile conceded almost all items. China also has exception lists in China・New Zealand negotiations.
Japan・Mexico EPA has low level of tariff elimination rates for agricultural products. Tariff elimination rates are 48.9 percent for Japan and 57.1 percent for Mexico. TRQ concession has been widely introduced to compensate low tariff elimination level. Japan expanded market opening for agriculture in Japan・Chile FTA. Japan did not reserve fruits market protection in spite of Chile's high competitiveness. However, Japan did not concede most of grains and dairy products under the consideration. Japan further expanded agricultural market in Japan・Thailand EPA. Concession rates are increased and exception lists are significantly decreased. However, many major commodities are found on the exception list for high tariff items.
Turkey tends to take a request offer formula. Turkey's interests are focused on hazelnuts, figs, cherry, dried apricots, soybean oil, sunflower oil, and corn oil. Major concerns are also given to confectionary, chocolates, pasta, bakery, cucumber, fruits, and fruit juice. Tariffs are reduced partially, e.g. 15 percent or 50 percent, within the agreed quantity of imports. Turkey・Morocco FTA represents a low level of market opening for Turkey. Turkey provides small TRQ for limited items to Morocco and maintains applied tariff rates for major commodities instead of tariff elimination. Turkey expanded agricultural market liberalization to the EU. Tariffs are eliminated for most of the agricultural products except for some sensitive items. Partial reduction of tariffs instead of elimination, tariff ceiling or seasonal tariff systems are introduced for sensitive commodities to minimize negative impacts on the agricultural sector.
Rules of origin are key factors to achieve preferential trade agreements such as FTAs. Qualifications of originating goods can be divided into two categories; one is wholly obtained and the other is not wholly obtained, i.e. goods produced with imported materials. In the case of China, vegetable goods harvested in one country are treated as wholly obtained. Animal products and live animals are accepted to be wholly obtained when both born and raised or when raised. In the case of China・Taiwan and China・ASEAN FTA born and raised criterion is applied. Raised criterion is accepted in the case of China・Chile and China・New zealand FTA. Changes in tariff classification criterion and value added criterion are in general applied for the goods produced with non-originating materials. For the criterion of changes in tariff classification, HS 2 digit level(chapter) is widely applied and HS 4 or 6 digit levels are used as supplements. Regional value added of 40 to 50 percent is a minimum for the acceptance as originating goods. De minimis of 8 to 10 percent and bilateral cumulations are accepted in China's FTA.
In the case of Japan, vegetable goods harvested in one country are treated as wholly obtained. In the case of Japan・Mexico FTA, born and raised criterion is applied for live animals and animal products. Raised criterion is accepted in the case of Japan・Chile and Japan・Thailand FTA. Changes in tariff classification criterion is more widely applied than value added criterion for the goods produced with non-originating materials. For the criterion of changes in tariff classification, HS 2 digit level(chapter) is widely applied and HS 4 or 6 digit levels are used as supplements. Regional value added of 30 to 55 percent is a minimum for the acceptance as originating goods. De minimis of 7 to 10 percent and bilateral cumulation are accepted in Japan's FTA.
Turkey accepts vegetable goods as wholly obtained when harvested in one country. For live animals and animal products, born and raised criterion is accepted. Changes in tariff classification criterion is applied soly or together with value added criterion. De minimis of 10 percent and diagona cumulation are accepted in Turkey's FTA.
Korea needs to maximize exceptions of market opening for sensitive agricultural products for the negotiation with China and Turkey. China's early harvest program can be a benchmark for Korea to present an active position and preserve sensitivities. Various supplementary measures against possible negative impacts from coming FTA negotiations need to be introduced in the agreements. Cooperation programs in agriculture and rural areas can be positively considered one of FTA policy strategies.
Korea needs to keep a strict rules of origin for fresh agricultural products. Standards of planted and harvest for vegetable products and born and raised for animal products are strongly requested to be maintained as Korea's position. For the changes in tariff classification, HS 2 digit level will be better to protect fresh products while HS 4 to 6 digit level can be positively considered for processed food. Exceptions of de minimis application need to be introduced for agricultural products. Due restrictions on non tariff measures including embargo and subsidies also need to be included in FTA. Special treatments for agricultural products are requested in government procurement agreements.
Researchers : Sei-Kyun Choi, Myong-Keun Eor, Hyoung-Jin Jeon ,Dae Hee Chung
Research period : Jan 2010 ~ December 2010
E-mail : skchoi@krei.re.kr

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