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품목별 대표조직 기능 활성화 방안 연구

제1장 서론
제2장 품목별 대표조직 설립의 필요성 및 기본방향
제3장 품목별 대표조직의 운영현황 및 문제점
제4장 품목별 대표조직의 효율적 운영방안
제5장 대표조직 외국사례
제6장 요약 및 결론
최근 농축수산물 유통환경을 둘러싼 국내 및 국제적 환경이 빠르게 변화하고 있다. 국내에서는 소매단계를 중심으로 대형유통업체, 식품가공업체, 단체급식업체 등으로 대표되는 소비지 유통업체가 거대자본을 바탕으로 소비지 시장을 선점하고 있다. 다른 한편으로는 세계 각국과 다자간 FTA를 추진하고 있어 값싸고 품질 좋은 외국산 농축수산물이 국내 시장에 유통되고 있으며, 향후 지속적으로 수입이 확대될 전망이다.
농림수산식품부는 변화하는 농축수산물 유통환경에 적극적으로 대응하고자 28개 품목별 대표조직을 육성하고 있다. 미국이나 네덜란드의 경우 품목별 대표조직은 해당 품목과 관련된 다양한 경제주체가 광역 조직화를 바탕으로 자조금을 조성하고 연구개발, 시장개척, 소비촉진 및 홍보 사업 등을 꾸준히 실시하고 있다. 품목별 대표조직은 특정 품목의 경제주체들이 제한된 시장에서 경쟁하는 것이 아니라 상호 협력체계를 구축하여 공익적 사업을 발굴하고 시장개척 활동을 적극적으로 실시하는 선진국형 생산자단체라고 할 수 있다.
이 보고서는 농림수산식품부에서 추진하는 품목별 대표조직의 기능 활성화방안을 모색하는 것으로 품목별 대표조직의 설립 필요성 및 기본적 추진체계, 운영현황 및 문제점, 효율적 운영 방안, 해외 사례 등을 다양하게 연구하였다.
This study is aimed to propose strategies proper to basic direction and individual promotion of representative organizations for 28 items, initiated by the government. To this end, needs and directions for representative organizations are presented, and current operation and possible problems of representative organizations are investigated. Through this, methods to promote functions of representative organizations for items are reviewed, after presenting efficient operation methods of representative organizations and examining diverse foreign examples.
Recently, Korea's agricultural, livestock and marine markets are facing rapidly changing environment in the distribution area. Domestic distributers, represented by large retailers, food processors and foodservices, are occupying the majority of consumer markets, with their huge capital strength, while less expensive, high quality agricultural, livestock and marine products are being imported to Korea thanks to multilateral FTA with diverse foreign countries. In this respect, it is urgent to enhance domestic products' competitiveness and discrimination.
Now, the government plans to foster representative organizations for 28 items, in order to actively cope with the changing distribution environment. Representative organizations for items, nation-wide organizations dedicated to certain items, help to address any problem related to each item. In countries, such as the US or Netherlands, diverse economic subjects of representative organizations for each item raise checkoff funds and continually conduct R&D, create markets and promote consumption, based on their wide systematization. In short, representative organizations do not compete in markets with limited economic subjects for specific items, but build a mutual cooperation system to design public services and create markets, as an advanced producers' organization.
Now, though 28 representative organizations exist in Korea, they have several operative problems, such as ⓛ insufficient legal ground on raising checkoff funds and representative organizations, ② unclear definition of relations and roles between organizations and the government, ③ inadequate human capability of representative organizations, ④ weak enforcement of decisions made by representative organizations, and ⑤ poor connections between representative organizations and substructure, requiring systematic rearrangement.
It seems to be desirable that representative organizations for each item should be formed in the order of production, distribution, processing and consumption, considering each item's characteristics, so that producers can address their own problem. In addition, those organizations should be managed in forms of demand-supply adjusting ones, export-oriented ones, enforced R&D ones, policy-developing/enforcing ones, and consumption promoting ones.
In order for efficient operation of representative organizations, the authority should be transferred to representative organizations step by step, and connections with the government should be established as well. Also, relations between the representative organizations and substructure should be clearly defined to generally operate related organizations, thereby enhancing the synergy effect. It is also necessary to raise operative efficiency of the executive office and labor force, and to seek proper methods to effectively operate representative organizations by investigating checkoff funds and operation issues in diverse foreign examples presented in this study.
In order for representative organizations to get competitive, they should be organized with strong solidarity in each area in advance, based on which, business proper to each item's characteristics should be systematically created. Representative organizations can be fostered systematically through enhanced competitiveness, if initial support system for higher business capability is established and sustainable research is conducted at the same time.
Researchers: Choi Byung-Ok, Lee Myung-Ki, Kim Dong-Hoon
E-mail address: bochoi@krei.re.kr

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