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KREI 농업경제전망 (2010 하반기)

2010.08.01 23276
연구보고서 표지
  • 과제성격
  • 저자
    한석호, 김명환; 이정민; 반현정
  • 등록일
  • 연구주제

제1장 국내외 거시경제
제2장 국제농산물 수급전망
제3장 국내농업경제
제4장 농가경제 및 농가인구
제5장 주요 품목별 도매가격동향


"KREI 농업경제전망"은 농업관계자 및 일반인이 한국농업경제를 이해하고 정부가 농업정책을 수립하는 데 도움을 주고자 한국농촌경제연구원이 최근 대내외 경제흐름과 한국농업동향을 정리·분석하여 발간한 자료이다.

KREI-KASMO is a Korean agricultural sector partial equilibrium model reflect the fast-moving environment surrounding Korea agriculture including the new domestic policy options and the recent international trade regimes, such as FTAs and WTO/DDA negotiations. This KREI Outlook of the Agricultural Economy is upgraded version for KREO-KASMO to reflect a revision of reference year of Bank of Korea.
a partial equilibrium model and a dynamic ex-anti simulation model for the Korean agricultural sector.
KASMO is divided into six sub-models as follows: A grain sector, a vegetable sector, a fruit sector, a specialty crop sector, a livestock sector, and a total agricultural value sector for the entire Korean agriculture. And it covers over 45 commodities.
The production of the agriculture sector is forecasted to grow up to 42 trillion 521 billion won in 2010 with the growth rate of 2.8 percent in the 2009. The value added of the agriculture sector is forecasted to grow up to 20 trillion 693 billion won in 2010 with the growth rate of 3.7 percent in the 2009. The total income of the agriculture sector is forecasted to grow up to 11 trillion 960 billion won in 2010 with the growth rate of 3.2 percent in the 2009.

Researchers: Myung-Whan Kim, Suk-Ho Han, Jeong-Min Lee, Hyun-Jung Ban
e-mail Address: kimkim@krei.re.kr, shohan@krei.re.kr, fantom99@krei.re.kr,ban0530@krei.re.kr

한석호Han, Sukho
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한석호Han, Sukho
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