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제주특별자치도 조천읍 지역발전 10개년 계획

제1장 서론
제2장 조천읍 현황과 개발요구
제3장 조천읍 발전의 기본구상
제4장 사업계획
제5장 투·융자 계획
부록1: 친환경농업 학습조직 운영 사례: 함양군 물레방아 사과연구회
부록2: 농특산물 가공 창업보육체계 구축 사례: 경상북도 문경시
부록3: 지역 관광 협의체 구성 및 운영 사례: 강원도 평창군
부록4: 해외의 지역관광 협의체 구성 사례: 일본
부록5: 폐교 위기의 학교 활성화 사례: 경기도 시흥시 계수초등학교
부록6: 발전소 온배수 활용 사례
부록7: 지역발전 방향에 대한 주민 의견
With the expansion of market opening promoted by WTO and FTA, the prices of agricultural products have declined, and competition between producers and rural areas have intensified. Hence, collaboration is required in the district level to increase long-term competitiveness, while responding promptly to such a change.
Therefore, with the launch of the new government, the agriculture, forestry and fisheries administration selected the food industry fostering as a new growth engine whereby established five future strategies, and devised various plans, such as market-oriented policies and development direction, focusing on regional specialties in which building competitive agriculture. Likewise, a budget system, in connection with the efforts, is conversing to a com- prehensive support method. It is necessary to promote district development and industry fostering in the district level, while observing policy switch and utilizing the policy of central government. Specifically, an endogenous development model form significance, in which practices and establishes a development plan of regions by participation of administrative organization and local residents.
Therefore, a systematic development plan is vital, which considered measurement utilizing external human capital in regards to lacking area, and adequate application, such as human and natural resources of nature pertaining to industrial characteristics, such as concentrated industries, tourism related services, and the manufacturing industry of Jocheon-eup. The purpose is to devise a long-term development plan of Jocheon-eup, comprising economy, society and environment sectors.
The scope of a regional development plan is focused on 12 towns of the eup, and the planning period is set up for 10 years from 2010 to 2019 based on 2007 to 2009. Additionally, the establishment of regional development is to be established on a bottom-up planning based on spontaneity, and find development vision to form a consensus of Jocheon-eup collectively with residents during the planning process, which will be the ground to prepare basic concept and details of the promotion strategies of the plan through collective learning.
For the vision of the ten-year planning for regional development of Jocheon-eup, we created a catch phrase as “Jocheon, nature-friendly, green and hope”, aiming to foster value-added eco-friendly agricultural sector, preserve the natural environment and maximize amenity for rural communities, and foster a future growth industry of regions for tourism. Moreover, the key details for the ten-year planning for regional development are; ① industry planning, ② local planning, ③ environment, culture, and welfare planning, ④ population planning, and ⑤ investment planning.

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상세정보 조회60320
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