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농가단위 소득안정제 실시방안 및 직불제도 개편방안 연구

제1장 서 론
제2장 주요국가의 직접지불제 실시동향
제3장 직접지불제의 문제점과 개선사항
제4장 직접지불제의 개편방향
제5장 공익형 직접지불제의 확충방향
제6장 농가단위 소득안정제 도입방안
제7장 종합 및 결론
참고 문헌
The countries including US, Japan, and EU that had direct payment scheme have increased the number of schemes to adopt and been apt to raise unit payment of them. Direct payment is used not only for price support but also for expansion of multi-functionality of agriculture, which includes environmental friendly farming, preservation of less favored areas, and maintenance of landscapes. Korea, which also increases the number of direct payment schemes, recently confronts the issues regarding a relief of an unbalance between paddy and upland fields, tighter cross compliance for uplifting policy effect, transformation from commodity basis to individual farm basis, promotion of industry restructuring. Agriculture in Korea needs to secure sustainable development while answering the challenges such as opened market from WTO/DDA, price falling, farm income shrinking, increased risk of farm business. In this sense, it is necessary to study modifying current direct payment and adopting new direct payment in the purpose of expanding multi-functionality as well as stabilizing farm income. And this is why we started the study.
To achieve the purpose of the study, we did the literature review for domestic and foreign materials. Domestic includes documents, manuals, and books from the government, agriculture advancement committee, and also from the academic. Foreign includes materials from on and off-line and ones collected from the travel in France, Japan, and UK. We also relied on the interview of experts and public servant in those countries. To capture the problems of current program, we analyzed the level of farm income instability from the change of environment described earlier and of farm structure.
The report is organized by six chapters. After the first chapter for the introduction the second chapter covers the study of foreign cases. In general, EU, UK, France, US, and Japan have frequently modified their direct payment schemes to adjust change of environment that is common or unique for each country. We tried to pick up a pattern or characteristic by matching the scheme and condition. In third chapter, figuring out the condition and problems of current direct payments in Korea, we proposed the tasks of direct payment to solve agricultural problem. In fourth chapter, considering weather change, import increase, change in demand and farm risk, we drew a picture telling how different direct payment schemes are supposed to be regrouped and shaped in Korea. While as a foundation the picture has direct payments for environmental friendly farming, less favored area, maintaining landscape, and fixed rice direct payment, it emphasizes to expand public favored direct payment for conservation of farm resource. In upper level, it is necessary to have agricultural income stabilization program for releasing the effect from abrupt quantity and price change. Fifth and sixth chapter deal with foundation and upper level of the picture in more detail in a row.
It is desirable for public favored direct payment to have two kinds of payment. One is fixed payment for basic cross compliance. The other is additional payment for the individual contract which requires higher cross compliance from environment to multi-functionality. Agricultural income stabilization program is mainly for full time farmers with certain business size. Considering applicability, administration cost, it is appropriate to decide the number commodity covered and gradually increase it. If it is difficult to figure out individual farm income, it can be estimated using national or regional average instead. The success of agricultural income stabilization program is dependent upon reliability of individual farmers' financial and management information. To be equipped with reliable farm data, we also need to have reliable farm registration, improved data management skill, well treat of farm land issues, administration restructuring in the regional level.

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상세정보 조회60118
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