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기초생활권 유형별 발전전략과 정책과제

제1장 서론
제2장 선행연구 검토 및 지역 유형화 사례
제3장 기초생활권 유형별 특성
제4장 기초생활권 유형 구분(안)
제5장 기초생활권 유형별 발전전략
The aim of this study is to classify basic settlement areas according to their local characteristics and to test the validity of this classification scheme. Based upon this schematic, corresponding goals and objectives, visions and development strategies will be presented for each type, together with policy agendas.
For the analysis of local characteristics and subsequent classification and for the test of its validity, various methods of factor analysis, cluster analysis, natural break classification and others were applied to 100 variables. In addition, focus group interview was carried out also.
163 basic settlement areas are classified into three types?urban, urban-rural linked, and rural, and for more detailed analysis, into five types?urban, consolidated urban-rural, urbanized, self-supporting growth, and special.
Development strategies for five types of basic settlement areas are as follow: (i) reorganization and regeneration of an old section of a city and urban design for ‘urban’ type, (ii) infrastructure expansion for high-quality service delivery, prevention of sprawl and unregulated development, and creation of a local brand that can mobilize, and take an advantage of, both urban and rural strengths, ?for ‘consolidated urban-rural’ type, (iii) improvement and enhancement of service ties with neighboring cities and economic revitalization through secondary compound industrialization for ‘urbanized’ type, (iv) development of distinctive villages, such as villages for retirees and artists, and so-called slow-food villages, specialization in processing and distribution of agricultural products, and selective development of 2-3 strategic centers for ‘self-supporting growth’ type, and finally, (v) for ‘special’ type, place marketing through preservation and utilization of local amenity resources and service delivery calling on clients.

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