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서울 양재동 Agro-Hill 기본구상

제1장 서 론
제2장 Agro-Hill 기능 및 시설
제3장 투자수익성 및 민자유치
제4장 건축 기본계획 수립
Yang-je dong joint flower products market opened in 1991, has increased several times on the scale of sale during the last 20 years. on the other hand, outdated facility, equipment as flower distribution complex and inefficient distribution on the saturation of distribution space cause it a lot of problem.
Korea Agro-Fisheries Trade Corporation is scheduled to be relocated to new town in Gwang-ju, Jeoun-Nam Province until 2012. more than fourth floor in aT center is scheduled to sale to relocate cost.
The current occupant in aT center need substitute office space, convention centers in 1~3 floor are need to do extension work to meet a large and middle scale event.
Meanwhile, the City Hall of Seoul is planing to build Agro-Botanic Park in Yang-je dong estate includes estate of Korea Agro-Fisheries Trade Corporation and Citizen's Forest. the main purposes of this plan suggest the new direction on future agriculture with combining agriculture, botany, and cultural heritage. and building the new concept's urban park for national and city competitiveness.
Korea Agro-Fisheries Trade Corporation named the estate of a joint flower products market "Agro-Hill", requested KREI(Korea Rural Economic Institute) research to establish basic concept for global attraction as a center on food and agricultural industry
The purpose of this study is establishing basic plan on constructing Agro-Hill as the global attraction of flower & high-tech urban agriculture on estate of Yang-je dong's joint flower products market. finally, this research analyzed the future vision, contents, financing, and validity etc on Agro-Hill.

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상세정보 조회61479
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- 서울 양재동 Agro-Hill 기본구상 (요약보고서)
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