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2009년도 주요 재정사업(목재소득) 성과평가 및 모니터링

2009.11.01 47723
연구보고서 표지
  • 과제성격
  • 저자
    석현덕, 장철수; 김영단; 김현근; 김성주
  • 등록일
  • 연구주제

Ⅰ. 성과평가 부문
제1장 서론
제2장 재정사업 자율평가의 이해
제3장 합리적 성과지표·목표 설정 방안
Ⅱ. 모니터링 부문
제1장 서론
제2장 사업별 모니터링 결과
부록1. 사업별 재정사업 성과평가 결과
부록2. 성과지표 설정을 위한 지자체 설문조사지
부록3. 목재문화체험장 만족도 설문조사 결과부록
4. 목재문화체험장 만족도 설문조사지


Self-Assessment of Budgetary Program(SABP) in the Korean public sector is a program in which government departments evaluate their own budgetary program(BP) by themselves. In order to perform the objective assessment, one of the most important tasks is to establish performance indicator(PI)s and to reasonably set up target values. In the case of Korea Forest Service, however, PIs have several problems such as the less rationality of performance indicators, the insufficient correlation between goals and indicators, and the irrelevance of target values.
The purpose of this study is to set up the PIs and to draw the problems of BPs through monitoring activities. The scope of the study is limited to the three BPs; Support program for Using and Processing lumbers(ProgramⅠ), program for Improving the Forest products' Distribution Structures(ProgramⅡ), and program for Disaster Recoveries in Forest(ProgramⅢ). Establishing PIs was done through the step-by-step analysis, and monitoring activities were performed based on these PIs.
The results show the alternative PIs to each BP, a lumber supply self-sufficiency rate in ProgramⅠ, the amount of sales in the distribution center in ProgramⅡ, and the rate to comeback to the forest management in ProgramⅢ were presented as the representative PIs. Also, the several problems of Budgetary Programs is drawn out through monitoring activities. ProgramⅠ needs to set up the specific guidelines for the construction of the facility to coincide with their original goal. ProgramⅡ is required to allocate the budget to the purpose and to make this budget focus on several key areas. Moreover, ProgramⅢ is needed to create the specific guidelines to calculate the damage ratio.
Finally, we expect that most of the revealed problems are being corrected through the feedback processes of the government and that each BP can be performed better.

석현덕Seok, Hyundeok
저자의 다른 보고서
저자에게 문의
석현덕Seok, Hyundeok
저자에게 문의

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