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경북혁신도시 산·학·연 클러스터 발전방안(농생명산업 부문)

2010.02.01 38815
연구보고서 표지
  • 과제성격
  • 저자
    박시현, 최경환; 김광선; 최경은
  • 등록일
  • 연구주제

제1장 서론
제2장 클러스터 관련 이론 및 육성 사례
제3장 경북 농생명 클러스터 구축 여건
제4장 경북 혁신도시 농생명 클러스터 구축방안
참고 문헌


Since 2003, the Korean government has been carrying out the Innovation City Construction Policy for balanced national development. According to the government policy, twelve “innovation cities” are under construction across the country and 176 public institutions are scheduled to be relocated from the Seoul metropolitan area to the innovation cities.
In Gyeongbuk province, an innovation city is under construction in the city of Gimcheon, and 13 public institutions are scheduled to be relocated to the innovation city. Four of them are institutions related to agriculture: National Agricultural Products Quality Management Service, National Veterinary Research & Quarantine Service, National Plant Quarantine Service, and National Seed Management Office.
In this study, we suggest some strategies for building an agro-bio industrial cluster in an aim to improve regional agricultural innovation ability.
Major tasks for building an agro-bio industrial cluster would be summarized as the following.
First, it is necessary to build a network among the 4 agricultural institutes and major industry innovation groups and organizations in Gyeongbuk province, particularly local university researchers, regional farmers, farming organizations, and local business groups.
Second, it is necessary to establish Gyeongbuk Inno-Biz Center. The center is expected to attract companies into the innovation city and establish a R&D basis including an education and training system for regional innovation.
Third, it is necessary to attract Korea Food Research Institute into the innovation city. Attracting the research institute should be advantageous in attracting agri-food companies into the Gyeongbuk province.
Fourth, implementing a “U-Farming” pilot project is needed. Through the pilot project, agricultural production system, bio-industry and IT could be combined at regional level, and regional agricultural innovation ability could be enhanced.
Lastly, the granting of various incentives by the government is important. Tax cuts and the cutdown on land price or rental value could accelerate the development of Gyeongbuk Agro-Bio Industrial Cluster.

박시현Park, Sihyun
저자의 다른 보고서
저자에게 문의
박시현Park, Sihyun
저자에게 문의

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