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지역발전정책 변화에 대응한 농어촌정책 방향 설정 및 농어촌 서비스기준 도입 방안 연구

제1장 서 론
제2장 선행연구 검토와 연구 과제
제3장 외국의 농촌정책 검토와 시사점
제4장 우리나라 농어촌정책의 방향
제5장 농어촌정책의 대상과 목표
제6장 농어촌정책 추진체계의 개선
제7장 농어촌 계획제도 개선 방향
제8장 농어촌영향관리 가이드라인 제도 도입 방안
제9장 농어촌 서비스기준 도입 방안
제10장 요약 및 결론
부록 1. 농어촌 주민 생활서비스 이용 및 서비스 공급시설 과부족 실태 분석
부록 2. 농어촌 서비스기준 설정을 위한 조사
참고 문헌
The purpose of this research is to establish status and direction of Korean rural policy encountering the new regional development policy and to examine the introduction of rural services standard. Concretely, we discussed how to reorganize policy subject, goal and contents, implementation system and planning institution of rural policy. We also investigated the introduction of Rural Services Standard as a tool for achieving the improvement of rural residents' quality of life and possibility of performance management on policy implementation.
This research mainly consists of eight parts. Firstly, we studied the relevant foreign policies to obtain implications for Korea's own policy design. We inspected 5 case countries such as England, Germany, Spain, Italy and Japan focusing on definition and types of rural areas, goal and programmes of rural policy, and policy implementation system.
Secondly, we looked into the historical changes of rural policy of the past and drew a few issues concerning recent new national regional policy. Based on that, we proposed basic directions and implementation strategies of future Korean rural policy.
Thirdly, based on the limitations of current methods of defining rural areas, we tried to define and classify rural areas by means of three types of approach processes. We also analyzed present conditions of rural areas according to each definitions.
Fourthly, we established the policy goal and contents of Korean rural policy. The policy goal is to guarantee the rural residents' quality of life. The suggested four principal contents of rural policy are 'settlement', 'industry', 'nature and environment' and 'capacity building'.
Fifthly, we suggested plans for amelioration of present implementation system. we discussed the limits of current system of 'improvement of quality of life plan' and proposed new administrative body which performs the functions of inter-ministerial integration and collaboration.
Sixthly, based on the analyses on problems of present rural planning system, we suggested the reorganizational scheme of rural planning system. Institutional efforts that clarify the roles and positions of each plans are needed. The introduction of 'rural vitality increase district' for rural villages where development is highly demanded, and more sophisticated zone classification for 'agriculture and forestry areas' and 'management areas' under the present zoning system were also proposed.
Seventhly, we studied the case of English rural proofing in practice and examined the possibility of application in Korea. In order to successfully introduce and administer this institution, rural proofing is required to be given the statutable position and appropriate structure and framework for implementation should be organized.
Finally, we presented Rural Services Standard plan which consists of 31 items of 8 sectors, based on various analyses of the supply condition and residents' demands of basic services in rural areas. we suggested introduction plan including preparation of legal basis and implementation structure as well.

저자에게 문의

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상세정보 조회63020
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