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농산물 물류체계 진단과 효율화 방안

2009.11.01 50105
연구보고서 표지
  • 과제성격
  • 저자
    전창곤, 최병옥; 김동훈
  • 등록일
  • 연구주제

제1장 서론
제2장 농산물 물류체계 현황
제3장 배추 물류체계 분석
제4장 토마토 물류체계 분석
제5장 농산물 물류 효율화 방안
참고 문헌


급속한 농산물 유통환경에 대응하고 다양한 소비자의 요구를 충족시키기 위하여 산지와 소비지의 물류활동이 점차 복잡화됨에 따라 농산물 물류비 비중이 증가추세를 나타내고 있다. 또한 농산물 물류비는 일반적으로 고정적인 특성이 있어 가격하락 시 물류비의 비중이 매우 높아 종종 비난의 대상이 되기도 한다.
농산물 물류합리화의 목적은 생산자와 소비자를 효율적으로 연계시키는 물류체계를 구축함으로써 불필요한 물류기능의 배제와 물류비용 절감을 통하여 생산자와 소비자 모두의 만족도를 높이는 데 있다. 그러나 현행 농산물 전체 물류비는 매출액의 약 16% 수준인 약 9조 원에 달하고 있는 것으로 나타나 제조업의 약 10%에 비해 매우 높은 수준이다. 이와 함께 품목별 수급 및 가격여건에 따라 물류비가 유통의 현안문제로 등장하고 있다. 따라서 현행 농산물 물류체계의 심층적인 분석?진단을 통하여 물류 효율화를 위한 합리적인 정책대안을 도출하는 것이 필요한 실정이다.
이 연구보고서는 농산물이 산지에서 소비지에 이르기까지의 과정 중 대표적인 몇 가지 물류흐름에 초점을 맞추어 현행 물류체계의 심층적 진단과 문제점 도출을 통하여 농산물 물류 효율화 방안을 제시하기 위한 목적으로 작성되었다. 연구대상 품목으로 대표적 노지채소인 배추와 시설 과채류인 토마토를 선정하였다. 그리고 물류경로는 도매시장 경유 물류, 직거래 물류, 대형유통업체 물류를 분석 대상으로 하여 작성하되었다.

This study is aimed at presenting methods to improve the efficiency of agricultural distribution by evaluating problems in the current distribution system, focusing on several main processes between production and consumption of agricultural products. In order for this study to be easily implemented, the tomato, as a greenhouse fruit vegetable, and the Chinese cabbage, one of main field-grown vegetables, were selected. As for distribution channels, the wholesale market distribution, direct distribution and large retailer distribution were analyzed.
In Chapter 2, the concept and functions of agricultural distribution were clarified and the current state of agricultural distribution was estimated to provide an overall insight into the agricultural distribution system. Through this, it was turned out that the distribution cost in agricultural logistic costs was on the rise, and of the distribution cost, sorting/packaging/processing costs and transporting costs accounted for more than 70%. Also, the current distribution system for Chinese cabbages and tomatoes was investigated, and possible changes in agricultural distribution environment were estimated. The factors which will affect agricultural distribution environment in coming years include ① changes in markets and logistic environment, ② development in the IT industry, and ③ changes in logistic management environment.
In Chapter 3, each stage of the distribution system for Chinese cabbages was analyzed in both cases of the wholesale market distribution and direct distribution, and then distribution efficiency, transportation time and commercial value were compared. The results said that the cost of wholesale market distribution was 114.8% of the farm price, while the direct distribution cost was 76.5%. It was seen that the wholesale market distribution should be more efficient and farmers’ shipping in direct distribution should be improved to save high distribution cost for Chinese cabbages.
Chapter 4 involves the distribution system for tomatoes. Here, each stage of the distribution system was analyzed in both cases of the wholesale market distribution and large retailer distribution, and then distribution efficiency, transportation time and commercial value were compared. Although the wholesale market distribution cost 11.1% less than the large retailer distribution, the farm prices of the two were similar. As for the transportation time, the wholesale market distribution took 29~50 hours, compared to 25~30 hours of the large retailer distribution. Also, the commercial value based on freshness of produce fell 30~40% and 20% through the wholesale market and large retailer, respectively.
Chapter 5 provided problems and improvements in the agricultural distribution system through analysis of the distribution system for Chinese cabbages and tomatoes. First of all, the wholesale market distribution has problems in distribution functions, distribution rates and distribution connection. These include ① insufficient mechanical loading, ② high empty vehicle transferring rate, ③ low processing at the farm, ④ low storage rate and insufficient cold transportation systems, and ⑤ delayed distribution within wholesale markets. Also, there are problems in systems and policies, such as ① small-size distributers, ② inefficient supporting systems for distribution, ③ inflexible wholesale market system and delayed transportation, and ④ insufficient infrastructural connections among distribution stages. In the meantime, the direct distribution and large retailer distribution systems have problems including ① growing distribution cost at the farm, ② insufficient cold transportation, ③ the high-cost structure of distribution, and ④ inefficient transportation costs.
Given these, in case of the wholesale market distribution, it is advisable that ①consistent mechanical loading be developed between production and consumption, ② the transportation efficiency be enhanced and the empty vehicle transferring rate be declined, ③ the storage efficiency be enhanced and consistent cold transportation system be built, and ④ problems in distribution functions, distribution rates and distribution connections be addressed by increasing processes at the farm for highly effective agricultural distribution. In terms of efficient systems and policies, ① distributers at the point of production and consumption should grow in size, ② necessary institutions for more efficient wholesale market distribution should be introduced, ③ relevant support from the government should be provided, and ④ better connections among logistic equipments at the point of production and consumption should be established. Palletization, along with loading by purchase patterns, should be carried out for better direct distribution, while logistic center-centered transportation as well as distribution allowing for features of each produce should be implemented for efficient large retailer distribution.

전창곤Jeon, Changgon
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전창곤Jeon, Changgon
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