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양주시 농업·농촌 발전전략 및 방안

2009.09.01 38402
연구보고서 표지
  • 과제성격
  • 저자
    김연중, 한혜성; 박주영
  • 등록일
  • 연구주제

제1장 서론
제2장 국내외 및 양주시 여건변화와 전망
제3장 양주시 농업·농촌 현황과 특성
제4장 양주시 농업·농촌 중장기 발전 방향 진단
제5장 양주시 농산업?농촌관광 분야 중장기 발전 전략
부록1: AHP분석 및 요인분석 방법
부록2: ‘전문가, 농산업부문, 농촌관광, 도시민 조사’ 설문지
참고 문헌


The changing environment of world agriculture is greatly affecting the Korean agriculture and its policies. In the midst of this change, local governments' investment and interest in agriculture determines the quality of life in rural communities and the income level of an individual farm.
The main purpose of this study is to adopt a comprehensive development plan for the city of Yangju by examining its regional characteristics and by assessing its strengths and weaknesses and the potential of the area.
Yangju, a neighboring city of Seoul, is expected to see its population grow to over 550,000 people by 2020. However, the city is expected to see a drop in farmland and the number of farmers due to large-scale land development and increasing land prices.
After analyzing the various circumstances of the city, this study recommends that it would be desirable for the city to link its agricultural sector with green tourism.
In addition, five development strategies are recommended for the city of Yangju to promote its agricultural industry: First, it has to build a development program in close link with suburban development programs. Second, farmers must develop production, processing, and marketing strategies by reflecting consumers’ needs. Third, the city needs to establish a resource cycling agricultural system where main crops and by-products are adequately utilized. Fourth, Yangju should promote core strategies and produce items on a region-to-region basis. Fifth, the city should prepare for the introduction of a “plant factory” production system.
As for the development of rural tourism, the city should make the rural space a beautiful rural area for urban residents to gladly visit the city. Second, the city should develop linkage programs and build up a base for urban-rural exchanges to be made smoothly. It should also develop training and development programs linked to the base. Third, it should promote a networking among farm households in the business of green tourism. Fourth, the city should provide overall support to strengthen green tourism in the area.

김연중Kim, Yeanjung
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김연중Kim, Yeanjung
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양주시 농업·농촌 발전전략 및 방안 -요약보고서-
전통주 국내외 산업현황 및 세계화 가능성 조사