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농식품 안전체계의 효율적 구축방안 연구

제1장 서론
제2장 농식품안전관리 여건 변화
제3장 농축수산물안전관리 실태와 과제
제4장 농축수산식품 안전성 검사 및 검역체계
제5장 주요국의 식품안전정책동향과 사례분석
제6장 농축수산식품 안전관리 행정체계 개편 대안 검토
제7장 농축수산식품 안전관리 행정체계 개편방안
부 록
참고 문헌
Environment for agri-food safety management has changed. Uncertainty of agri-food safety is increasing with several factors: i) increase of imported agri-food, ii) surge in eating out spending, iii) appearance of new foods according to the scientific development, and iv) advent of new harmful substances. Agri-food safety accidents in Korea continue to happen, and consumers' concerns about agri-food safety are very high.
Current agri-food safety system in Korea is inefficient and unsystematic since agri-food safety operations are scattered to various institutions. This study aims to present a plan for constructing new agri-food safety system by reorganizing four national institutions related to food safety under Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. Four national institutions are as follows; i) National Veterinary Research&Quarantine Service, ii) National Plant Quarantine Service, iii) National Fisheries Products Quality Inspection Service, iv) National Agricultural Products Quality Management Service.
The study looks over the current operations of four institutions in the field of quarantine, inspection, agri-food safety, and quality control. Especially, quarantine and inspection system of agri-food in Korea is analyzed, and various problems that the current system has are presented. Agri-food safety systems of developed countries, including US, France, and Germany, are examined, and some implications are drawn. The research suggests that in terms of agri-food safety management, it is the most efficient to amalgamate four institutions into the integrated national agri-food control agency. The integrated system results in the synergy in agri-food safety management, and eventually obtains consumers' trust toward agri-food safety.

저자에게 문의

KREI의 출판물은 판매 대행사 (정부간행물판매센터)와 아래 서점에서 구입 하실 수 있습니다.
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영풍문고 | http://www.ypbooks.co.kr |
알라딘 | http://www.aladin.co.kr |
상세정보 조회12216
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