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백합 해외시장의 동향과 수출확대 전략

제1장 서론
제2장 세계 백합 생산 및 교역 동향
제3장 일본의 백합시장 동향과 수출상의 주요 문제
제4장 러시아의 백합 소비 동향과 수출 가능성
제5장 중국의 백합 생산 및 소비 동향과 수출 가능성
제6장 네덜란드 백합 생산 동향과 시사점
제7장 백합수출확대 전략
제8장 요약 및 결론
참고 문헌
우리나라 농림수산식품 산업은 시장 개방 확대 등의 영향으로 2005년부터 성장세가 완화되어 새로운 성장동력원 확보가 중요한 정책과제로 떠오르고 있다. 이러한 의미에서 국내 시장의 외연적 확대를 가져다주는 농림수산식품의 수출은 미래 성장동력원으로서 의의가 크다고 할 수 있다.
정부는 2012년 농림수산식품 수출 100억 달러 목표를 달성하기 위해 수출기반 조성 등 여러 가지 수출확대 정책을 추진하고 있다. 그 중 하나가 13개 수출유망 품목에 대해 2008년 8월부터 운영 중인 ?수출연구사업단?이다. 백합은 2008년 1,900만 달러의 수출 실적을 기록할 만큼 단일 화훼 품목 중에서 수출액이 가장 많은 품목으로서 수출연구사업단의 대상 품목 중의 하나이다.
이 연구는 백합수출사업단에서 추진중인 ‘백합 해외 시장의 동향과 수출확대 전략’ 이라는 3년차 세부과제 중 1차년도의 성과물을 정리한 것이다. 이를 위해 해외시장조사를 실시하여 시장별 수출확대 전략을 모색하였다. 또한 국내 백합 생산체제상의 문제점을 파악하기 위해 충남, 강원, 제주 지역의 백합농가조사도 병행하였다. 1차년도에는 예비조사의 일환으로 일본, 중국, 러시아, 네덜란드 백합시장을 조사하여 수출확대를 위한 기본 전략을 제시하였다. 시장조사결과를 바탕으로 시장별 제품수명주기를 판단하고, 마케팅 믹스 전략을 제시하였다.
이 연구에서 백합 수출확대를 위해서는 일본 시장에서 고품질 차별화 전략이 필요하고 중국과 러시아 등 신규 시장을 개척하여 수출선의 다변화가 필요하다는 점을 강조하였다. 특히 빠른 경제성장으로 고소득층이 늘고 있는 중국과 러시아 시장은 우리나라 백합의 잠재적인 수출시장으로서 가능성이 적지 않은 점을 확인할 수 있다.
This study aims at suggesting the export promotion strategies for lily by investigating manifest export market Japan and other latent export markets including Russia and China. The Dutch lily industry is also surveyed for making benchmark for Korean lily industry. In addition, the domestic lily industry is also analyzed.
As for the domestic problems of Korean lily industry, heavily dependency on imported roots, densely cultivating of lily, severe competition among major cultivating areas for export market, unstable supply of lily for export, and heterogeneous quality of lily in the same box are pointed out.
Along with economic depression, the consumption of cut flower in Japan has declined and Japanese consumers consider 'quality' as the most important in buying flowers. While the consumption for events or ceremony has decreased, the one for house and gift uses has increased. It takes seven days for Korean lily to be marketed and consumed since it is shipped in Pusan port. During the quarantine and marketing, several problems are observed, which may lower the quality of Korean lily in Japan market significantly. First, since the quarantine is proceeded on the asphalt-paved road without any cooling system, Korean lily may flower or be damaged by forming dew before reaching consumers. Second, the temperature of container in Japan is lower than the normal temperature for storage, which may degenerate the quality of Korean lily. Third, the quality and form of box is different from producing areas and the quality in the same box is not uniform. These weak points influence on the credibility of Japanese buyers and auction prices negatively.
In line with rapid economic growth and increase in per capita GDP, Russia is one of the bright prospect markets for Korean lily export. In general, Russian consumers prefer traditional and large flowers unlike Japanese consumers who love sophisticated flowers. Under the European cultural background, most of Russian like flowers regardless the level of income. As for lily, long and strong stemmed lily with a large bud is preferred.
China has become one of the largest flower producing and consuming countries in the world since its flower industry has grown rapidly. Major lily producing regions are Yunnan, Liaoning, and Lingyuan. Like Korea, China also imports most of lily roots mainly from the Netherlands. The size of roots that is commonly cultivated ranges from 12cm to 14cm. Chinese consume a large amount of flower during the spring season holiday. Major group of consumers purchas commonly c are abovnlyiddateincome class. Currently Chinese lilies are consumed mainly in the domestic markets. However, since China has the advantage of natural condition for producing lily over Korea, its lily is likely to compete with Korean lily in the Japanese market in the near future.
Major implications from the study on the Dutch lily industry may be summarized as follows; firstly, the Dutch lily growers build a lily research institute in order to solve the problems facing lily industry and foster specialized manpower for their industry. Secondly, it is evaluated that the quality of Korean lily is lagged behind the Netherlands lily in terms of the length and thickness of stem, the size and color of flower. And the Dutch skill of controlling lily producing environment is highly advanced compare with the Korean lily industry. Thirdly, the Dutch lily growers do not reuse lily roots after harvesting flowers since they think that reusing lily roots is not economical. Lastly, they control the timing of marketing and maintain the ability of all the year round marketing by differentiating cultivating time.
There are opportunities, threats, and strong and weak points in the Japanese, Russia, and Chinese lily markets. Expanding lily export encompasses not only increasing export quantity but also rising export price. Differentiated marketing strategies need to be applied according to the product life cycle. In the Japan market, exporting lily with high quality should increase for expanding current export considerably. On the other hand, as for Russia and Chinese markets, export promotion strategies including opening up the markets are the most important for launching Korean lily export.

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