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기초생활권 계획 수립 관련 테마별 네트워크 포럼 컨설팅 보고서

2009.06.01 41608
연구보고서 표지
  • 과제성격
  • 저자
    김정섭, 송미령; 박주영
  • 등록일
  • 연구주제

제1장 사업의 개요
제2장 계획수립 과정 관찰·컨설팅 활동의 주요 내용
제3장 요약 및 결론
부록 1: 기초생활권 계획수립 사례: 연천군(접경지역, 단독형)
부록 2: 기초생활권 계획수립 사례: 제천·단양·영월군(도농연계형, 협력형)
부록 3: 기초생활권 계획수립 사례: 거창·산청·함양군(농산어촌형, 협력형)
부록 4: 기초생활권 유형별 계획수립 매뉴얼


One of three dimensional frameworks of regional development policies of the current government, ‘Basic Settlement Areas’ program necessitates each of 163 basic settlement areas to draw up its own development plan. One or two basic settlement areas can draft a development plan that suits local characteristics and potential and that will improve upon quality of life for local residents.
The Korea Rural Economic Institute prepared a guidebook containing directives and principles useful for plan-making. Especially the Institute consulted and monitored the plan-making process in three types of case study areas, Yeoncheon, Jecheon-Danyang-Yeongwol, and Geochang-Sanchong-Hamyang, so that it can help to prepare a relevant and pertinent guidebook. These three case study areas purportedly represent urban (Type A), urban-rural linkage (Type B) and rural and fishing village (Type C) types respectively. In this process, the Institute provided a model or program, and policy suggestions, for cooperative roles among major actors of basic settlement areas, the central government and experts in the field.
This report contains the consulting process and results on several issues of planning the 'Development Plan in Basic Settlement Areas'?(i) position and meaning of 'Development Plan in Basic Settlement Areas', (ii) scope of the plan , (iii) representation of cooperative planning among different Basic Settlement Areas, (iv) sectoral plans.

김정섭Kim, Jeongseop
소속: 농촌정책연구실
저자의 다른 보고서
저자에게 문의
김정섭Kim, Jeongseop
소속: 농촌정책연구실
저자에게 문의

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