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농정선진화를 위한 지역개발분야의 발전과제

제1장 서 론
제2장 개방화시대의 농정의 여건변화와 발전방향
제3장 지방농정의 발전방향
제4장 선진국 농촌개발체계 및 지역전략 검토
제5장 농촌지역의 지역개발체계 및 제도의 검토
제6장 전북도 지역개발정책의 추진실태 사례분석
참고 문헌
This research focus on the development of rural policy in correspondent with the paradigm shift of regional policy of 21 century. The analysis of the rural & agricultural policies and strategies during the past 2 decades indicated that the changes of rural policy and reconstruction of relevent laws is requested rapidly. So, the case study of the developed nations' rural & agricultural policy was reviewed and many alternatives of sustainable rural development strategy were extracted. Especially, the Japan' Local Regeneration Act and effective support system for the undevelopmented local regions is the impressive rural policy sample for the comprehensive rural development in Korea.
In conclusion, this research invented 5 proposals for the progressive rural development policy of 21 century. First, the position and status of the Act of Quality of Life and relevent rural development acts in rural area will be reconstructed in the law system of national planning. Second, The diversified vertical administration system for the rural development should be reorganized and consolidated. Especially, the village development programs confronted the trend of decreasing population and increasing old generation have been requested the fundamentally innovation of approach for the concentrated investment on the upper regional level. Third, The coordination of individual policy and project of the department of central government for rural development should be reenforced through the connection of diverse functions of central government. Forth, the progressive process of rural development be accomplished by the proper process of administration and specific consideration of diversified environments of local government. The pilot project of packaged development program is needed for the effective outcomes. Fifth, the bottom up process of decision making for rural development projects is the basic component of local rural & agriculture administration. This process is achieved in the each stage of the evaluation and feedback.

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상세정보 조회11032
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