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농정선진화를 위한 지방농업행정의 발전과제

2008.12.01 11631
연구보고서 표지
  • 과제성격
  • 저자
    정순관, 조선일
  • 등록일
  • 연구주제

제1장 서 론
제2장 지방농정의 환경변화와 지방분권
제3장 지방농업행정의 현황분석
제4장 지방농업행정의 효율화 방안
참고 문헌


The purpose of this study is to find out comprehensive tasks for the development of local agricultural administration, according to the trend of localization and decentralization. In this context, we need to deeply consider the development of local agriculture, rural development and local public administration at the same time. Especially it is necessary to analyze the process of demand and supply for the agricultural policy and service delivery system to meet that kind of demand from farmers other related agricultural participants.
To achieve this research goals, we confined our main topic to the change of circumstances in the field of local agricultural administration, the significant flow of localization, the evaluation for operating of local agricultural administration especially focused on three lower-level local government such as Suncheon city of Jeonam Province, Gochang County of Jeonbuk province and Chungyang county of Chungnam province.
Korean government and all other advanced countries have vested more powers with the local government to extend local government's autonomy in every part of local policy. Localization of agricultural administration is an institutional support from the central government to endow local government with an autonomy in deciding local agricultural policy under the given fiscal conditions.
Local agricultural administration have made considerable contribution to the development of agriculture and rural life, and local councils have checked the local government to some extent. Despite of good effects from that kind of endeavor, several behavioral and institutional problems should be solved in accordance with the rapid change of local agricultural administration conditions.
In this context, this study analyzes firstly the features of decision making process in agricultural policy after the advent of decentralization in Korea. We define a agricultural policy process as a dynamic interdependent process consisted of agricultural policy making, agricultural policy implementation and agricultural policy evaluation. In order to have an advanced agricultural policy system, we have attempted to approach three aspects of local agricultural policy system: local agricultural administration entity, local council, and other participants.
The result of analysis suggests some needed devices for the development of local agricultural administration as follows: giving local government more policy initiatives in agricultural policy making and agricultural policy implementation process, endowing more opportunities to participate in decision making process lead by central government, supplementing planning ability of local government officials, and restructuring agricultural administration organizations
The main findings in the aspect of local council are as follows: lacking in specialties of local councils' audit mainly because of the limited specialty of local council members, lacking in enactment and repeal of local ordinance, lacking in inspection and investigation of local administration, operation of committees, political activities for citizens.
The tasks we derived from the study to achieve policy objectives are as follows: enhancing supporting system for the local council members, reinvigoration of handling the civil affairs, extension for introduction and deliberation of local ordinance, increasing information disclosure, revitalizing participation of citizens, intensifying evaluation activities of civil societies.

정순관Chung, Soongwan
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정순관Chung, Soongwan
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농정선진화를 위한 지역개발분야의 발전과제
과수 원예산업 정책의 선진화를 위한 과제