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식품전용 산업단지 조성사업 타당성조사 및 기본구상

2009.04.01 39587
연구보고서 표지
  • 과제성격
  • 저자
    최지현, 김용렬; 김철민; 한호석; 정창화
  • 등록일
  • 연구주제

제1장 서론
제2장 국가식품클러스터 추진전략과 과제
제3장 국가식품클러스터 개발여건 분석
제4장 입주대상 기업의 수요분석
제5장 개발규모 및 지표설정
제6장 국가식품클러스터 개발구상
제7장 국가식품클러스터 사업비 추정 및 사업타당성 분석
제8장 국가식품클러스터 개발의 추진방안


The purpose of this study is to analyze the feasibility of establishing Food Cluster Korea, make the plan, survey 1,021 food companies and research institutes to identify their understanding of the cluster, and find a basic spatial structure. The cluster will be located in the city of Iksan, Jeollabukdo with an investment of 1 trillion won till 2015.
The central government will be providing facility support for the cluster, such as food R&D centers, food processing facilities, joint collection and distribution facilities, and venture incubation centers. The food cluster will be assisting various organizations including the local food industry, overseas food industry clusters, universities, and research institutes, providing administrative and financial support for network improvement and R&D, and other activities aimed at increasing exports.
The concept of the cluster is 1) to pursue synergy through close networks among food industries, academies, and institutes, 2) to create sustainable values by adopting various functions of industries including accommodation, commerce, manufacturing, and agriculture, and 3) to present a next-generation industry that is built harmoniously with traditional culture.
The survey revealed that over a half of 225 companies, or 57.3% of the surveyed, already knew about the cluster. Most of them got the information about the cluster from the news media such as newspapers, TV, and radio. Forty three percent of the surveyed companies have willingness to participate in the food cluster.
The results of the feasibility analysis show that the Benefit/Cost(BC) ratio ranges from 0.5 to 4.3, and the Internal Rate of Return(IRR) is from 0.2% to 30.4%. Therefore, it indicates that Food Cluster Korea may have economical efficiency if the headquarters of the cluster attracts over 50 companies with over 50 employees per company.

최지현Choi, Jihyeon
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최지현Choi, Jihyeon
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