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기초생활권 정책 방향 도출을 위한 생활환경, 고용 등 지표 조사 연구

2009.03.01 61954
연구보고서 표지
  • 과제성격
  • 저자
    송미령, 김용렬; 성주인; 권인혜
  • 등록일
  • 연구주제

연구의 개요
기초생활권 진단 항목 구성 및 지표체계 구축
기초생활권의 일반 현황 및 정책 방향
기초생활권 생활환경 현황 및 정책방향
기초생활권 경제활동 여건 및 정책 방향
외국의 농촌지역 관련 지표와 지역통계
요약 및 결론


The purpose of this research is to develop an index system which includes general conditions, living environments and economic activities of 163 Basic Settlement Areas, and to analyze the present conditions of Basic Settlement Areas by using relevant data collected and constructed through the research. The development and analyzation of various indices concerning the quality of life in Basic Settlement Areas is the basic process in order to establish policy directions and objectives and to evaluate policy achievements as well.
This report is mainly constituted of four contents. Firstly, Development of an index system that is composed of three groups, namely 'general conditions', 'living environments' and 'economic activities'. Each group consists of sub-groups which contain relevant indices that are essential in understanding of the actual conditions in Basic Settlement Areas.
Secondly, We analyze each index of three groups utilizing available data and find out the actual conditions of Basic Settlement Areas. In this process, Basic Settlement Areas are classified into several types of area in reflection of certain regional characteristics.
Thirdly, related indices of foreign countries are reviewed in comparison with those of Korea. And implications helpful in developing Korean index system are obtained.
Finally, we draw the policy directions for the improvement of Basic Settlement Areas on the basis of the results from the analyzation of developed indices.

송미령Song, Miryung
소속: 휴직 등 기타
저자의 다른 보고서
저자에게 문의
송미령Song, Miryung
소속: 휴직 등 기타
저자에게 문의

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