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강화군 농수산물 유통분야 장기발전계획 수립 연구

2009.03.01 32393
연구보고서 표지
  • 과제성격
  • 저자
    국승용, 김동훈; 김창호
  • 등록일
  • 연구주제

서 론
강화군 농업 현황
강화군 주요 품목의 유통 현황과 과제
농산물 유통 환경 변화와 정부 정책
강화군 농산물 유통전략
강화군 유통회사의 필요성과 설립 방식
강화군 농산물 유통 발전을 위한 투융자 계획
강화군 유통회사 설립 타당성 검토


The world is currently experiencing the accelerated opening of agricultural markets driven by trade agreements and negotiations such as DDA and FTAs and changes in the agricultural policies focused on multi-functions of agriculture. These changes have influence upon domestic agriculture and local administrations as well as rural development plans for the agro-fisheries distribution. Accordingly, the consistent development plans of the agro-fisheries distribution are getting significant in the entire agricultural plans.
In this research, the conditions of the ago-fisheries distribution for the chief agricultural products such as Ganghwado rice, Ganghwado turnip, Yellow Sweet Potatoes and Lion-foot wormwood in Ganghwado are examined in depth and the changes of agricultural distribution circumstances are inquired carefully. Based on the result of the research, we think out the strategy of the agro-fisheries distribution revitalization for the Ganghwa products and indicate the optimum agro-fisheries distribution system for Ganghwa products by the reinvigorate of distribution channels such as provision of school lunch and direct business etc. And we carry out a feasibility study of ago-fisheries distribution system for Ganghwa County. In this regard, the following strategies are suggested to realize the vision.
First, "Increase regional direct business for Ganghwa ago-fisheries" to build up a stable market. Second, "Conduct the local facilities for providing meals using Ganghwa ago-fisheries" to supply safety products to the local residents. Third, "Set up local ago-fisheries floors" for the local residents to get some places buying and advertising local food. Fourth, "Expand the number of farmer's markets" to increase the income of farmers and fishermen. Fifth, "Raise the value of the rice brand "Ganghwado rice" as good as the Gyeonggi rice brand to promote marketing. Sixth, "Found a local distribution center and export system for Ganghwa agro-fisheries" to improve the present agro-fisheries distribution system and accommodation.
Researchers: Seung-yong Gouk, Dong-hoon Kim, Chang-ho Kim
E-mail: gouksy@krei.re.kr

국승용Gouk, Seungyong
소속: 휴직 등 기타
저자의 다른 보고서
저자에게 문의
국승용Gouk, Seungyong
소속: 휴직 등 기타
저자에게 문의

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2008년도 연구결과 요약집 : 2008. 1~12