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산림산업 경쟁력 강화 방안 연구 (1/3차연도)

서론 : 연구의 개요
Ⅰ. 산림경영주체의 육성 방안
제1장 경영주체의 실태 및 유형화
제2장 임업경영체의 정책수요 조사
제3장 선진 임업국의 경영조직 육성사례
제4장 산림경영주체의 육성 방향
제5장 임업경영체 육성을 위한 제도개선
Ⅱ. 산림사업종합자금의 운영개선 방안
제1장 산림사업종합자금의 특징
제2장 운영현황 및 설문결과
제3장 문제점 및 개선방안
The purpose of this study is to take a look at the problem of forest households and managers and to suggest proper directions in order to keep forest industry stable and increase its competitiveness. The study consists of two parts, forest households(or managers) and loan-systems for them. The main contents at the first part contain how to classify various forest households(or managers), what they need, and how to support them. The main contents at the second part deal with what the problems of loan-systems are, what the households need, what the loan system is different from others, and how to improve the system for demanders. The results of the study can be summarized as follows:
1) A study on promoting forest households and managers.
This report suggested to divide forest households(or managers) into basic type and latency types to support discriminative policies and revitalization of private forest management regardless of possession or nonpossession of forest land. Based on results, we categorized real policy targets into four types(full time forestry households, part time forestry households, forest management corporations and management agencies). Full time forestry households need policies which support to achieve an economic scale. Part time forest households need policies which support to maintain present earnings. Forest management corporation need policies which support to organize and operate forest union corporations such as farming union corporations. Management agency need policies, which support that management agencies can manage absent forest land owers and small scaled forest owners' mountains. At the end, this report proposes to enforce Forest Households Registration System, Direct Payment Measures in forest sector, and Proposal Intensive Management System, and revise Agriculture Business Guideline.
2) A study on improving a management of Forest Complex Fund.
The Forest Complex Fund which is so smaller than the Agriculture Complex Fund was about 47.5 billions in 2008. Considering management conditions of fund operations organization and vulnerability of forest industry including forester, the fund needs to improve efficiencies of management. Agency's portion of Forest Complex Fund is 42% of the total and its availability is lower compared to the agriculture fund of which agency's portion of the total is 87%. Expansion of institution loans by mutual loan is very effective method, which not only expands financial support but also induces an agency to have an autonomous responsibility system. So, it is necessary that these institution loans must be expanded from now on. Moreover, as the result of survey, we propose to reinforce selection processes, adjust a ratio of government subsidies and loans, expand liquidity of the fund, and focus on user of the fund. Also, this reports suggest that we should improve current evaluation criteria by using post evaluation models based on the concept of BSC(balanced score card).
Researchers: Hyun Deok Seok(Ph.D.), Cheol Su Chang(Ph.D.), Kyoung il Lee(Ph.D.), Young Dan Kim and Hyeon Geun Kim
E-mail address: hdseok@krei.re.kr

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