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대추재해보험도입을 위한 조사연구

2008.12.01 29569
연구보고서 표지
  • 과제성격
  • 저자
    장철수, 석현덕; 김현근
  • 등록일
  • 연구주제

서 론
대추 재배 및 생산ㆍ유통현황
대추 생산자의 재해보험 수요분석
대추 표준수확량 산정
대추 표준가격 산정
요약 및 결론


Crop insurance, one measure to counter natural disasters, is the most superior system preserving income from accidents. Insurance system has been currently introduced into fourteen agricultural and forest products including apples, pears, chestnuts. Jujube, however, have not been seriously discussed for the object of crop insurance before a series of typhoons resulted in decreasing outputs.
The purpose of this study is investigating jujube producers' demand for the insurance, estimating standard yield and price, suggesting alternatives for an exhibition application.
The demand for the insurance has been estimated that about 68.9% of total jujube farmers would insure.
Standard yield tables vary between areas, and the yield and the age of jujube trees have no significant relationship. The reason is that methods of plantation and caring are not standardized, and are different from region to region. To apply the standard yield tables into the main insurance business, it is required to improve the tables.
The appraisal system currently used for crop insurance will be directly applied for jujube.
To lead the system into early settlement it is required to develop a specific policy and to survey the demand of it. Based on the results of the survey the government should decide whether to extend the insurance system or not.

장철수Chang, Cheolsu
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장철수Chang, Cheolsu
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한·중·일 청소년의 식품소비 비교분석
임업관측사업 : 2008년 사업결과와 2009년 추진계획