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농업계 대학생의 영농분야 신규유입 활성화 방안

서 론
농업계 대학생의 직업선택 관련 이론 및 선행연구
농업계 대학 및 졸업생 진로 현황
농업계 대학생의 영농 분야 유입 제도
농업계 대학생의 취농 의사결정 실태
농업계 대학생의 영농분야 신규유입 활성화 방안
The purpose of this study was to develop strategies on inducing undergraduate students of agriculture into pursuing careers in the farming sector. For this purpose, the study reviewed literatures, reassessed related systems, analyzed related statistics, surveyed undergraduate students of agricultural colleges and conducted case studies.
The literature review showed that the students who were more exposed to farm related experiences and events progressed more and were more likely to get a job in farming. The analysis of related statistics revealed that the number of undergraduate departments providing curriculums specifically designed for agricultural production such as agronomy, horticulture, and animal husbandry is not large even though there are many universities and colleges that have academic departments of agriculture; and only a small ratio of graduates take up their job in the farming sector. The reassessment of related systems found that there are barely a few programs to induce undergraduate students of agricultural colleges to the farming sector. In fact, only one special course for this purpose was introduced recently and there was not a single standardized model to follow. The survey results of the undergraduates indicated that agriculture related experiences and activities in campus affect the career decision making of the students; and the recently launched course(having students experienced farm related events including farm visit, farm internship, supervised farm experience, farmer lecture, discussion with farmers, and visit of advanced foreign countries) is so effective that the perception on farming held by most students who have enrolled in the course has been changed; and quite a large number of students have changed their career plan from the non-farm sector to the farming sector.
These research results (with the help of comparable cases in foreign countries as well as in non-agricultural sectors) led to develop five short-term measures and one mid- and long-term measure to induce undergraduate students of agricultural colleges to the farming sector. The short-term measures are ① to improve and expand the current special course; ② to build up a database on farm-related educational resources and strengthen PR activities; ③ to assist the farm-related programs of departments; ④ to provide non-curricular farm-related activities with financial aid; and ⑤ to strengthen exchanges among agricultural students. The mid- and long-term measure is to introduce a vocational education system, in addition to the current academic education system, to agricultural colleges to foster young farmers.
Researchers: Ma Sang-Jin and Park Dae-Shik
Research period: 2008. 3. - 2008. 12.
E-mail address: msj@krei.re.kr

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