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평택시 농업·농촌 중장기발전계획

2008.11.01 39890
연구보고서 표지
  • 과제성격
  • 저자
    황의식, 국승용; 성주인; 조용원
  • 등록일
  • 연구주제

농업·농촌의 여건변화와 전망
평택시 농업·농촌의 현황과 과제
농업·농촌발전을 위한 수요조사 결과
평택시 농업·농촌의 미래비전과 발전전략
평택시 농업생산의 핵심 발전전략
평택시 농산물 유통 활성화 전략
평택시 농촌의 쾌적한 생활환경 조성


The world is witnessing today the accelerated opening of agricultural markets driven by the WTO, conclusion of FTAs between countries, and changes in the agricultural policies to focus on multi-functions of agriculture. These changes are making a huge impact on domestic agriculture and local administrations as well as rural development plans. In this respect, developing agricultural and rural plans is becoming more significant.
To cope with the accelerated opening of the domestic market for agricultural products along with the globalization trend, this research tried to establish comprehensive preliminary plans for Pyeongtaek City’s execution of agricultural potential to utilize the current or incoming natural and financial resources.
In this research, environmental and socio-economic characteristics of the city are examined in depth. Also, the economic values of Pyeongtaek’s multi-functions of agriculture such as amenities and environmental benefits are evaluated by consumers. An assessment of strong and weak points is also made to come up with a comprehensive development plan for the agriculture and rural communities.
Based on the research results of this study, we proposed ‘Garden City’ as the vision for Pyeongtaek’s agricultural and rural development, where agriculture not only performs industrial functions but also preserves the environment against the expanding urbanization and provides various amenities to urban residents. In this regard, the following five strategies are suggested to bring about the vision.
First, “cluster type” development strategies should be reinforced to promote horticulture and the food industry. Also, processing firms, logistic facilities, and consulting agents for technical training should join in the cluster. Second, Pyeongtaek City should raise the value of city’s brand ‘Super O’ning’ by promoting marketing organizations in producing districts. This is the most important issue in enriching Pyeongtaek’s agricultural industry. Third, research and development (R&D) schemes should be developed systematically for human resource and intra-regional development. Academic institutions and programs, such as farmers' university, should be considered for farmers in the city based on real needs. Fourth, the city should establish a farm income safety net to compensate for the intensifying instability of farm income. Finally, Pyeongtaek City should expedite the function of rural areas as a public good and improve the quality of life of rural residents.
Researchers: Euisik Hwang, Seung-yong Gouk, Joo-in Seong, Yongwon Cho
Report No:
E-mail: eshwang@krei.re.kr

황의식Hwang, Euisik
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황의식Hwang, Euisik
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