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대체산림자원조성비제도 개선방안 연구

부담금이론과 대체산림자원조성비제도
현행대체산림자원조성비제도의 운영현황
대체산림자원조성비제도 운영분석(문제점)
대체산림자원조성비제도 개선방안
결 론
This study focused on finding out problems of Compensation System for Developing Forested Area used to recover diverted forest and plans that reform this system. For the present, this system is classified into The User's Payment. So it cannot be used broadly and effectively. Because of these problems, we have to bring up the right direction of forest policy.
Recently, the value of forest grows up as global warming spreads all over the world. Also, since the Climatic Change Convention is contracted the government has to manage forest forcefully. So we have to keep up Compensation System for Developing Forested Area because this system aim at recovering diverted forest. And not only keeping up this system, we have to promote it more extensively.
Forest has special and important role. So this system is different with other systems that has similar purpose. And as global warming spreads broadly, value of forest and people's demands of forest has grown steadily. Because of these, Compensation System for Developing Forested Area has to be operated more widely and strongly.
The study proposed followings as policy alternatives for the development of Compensation System for Developing Forested Area: (1) Changing the name of this system, (2) Realization of levying method by raising levy cost, (3) Reducing of reduction rate, (4) Efficient managing of financial resources.

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상세정보 조회16746
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