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시·군 기초생활권 정책 발전방안 구상

2008.10.01 59505
연구보고서 표지
  • 과제성격
  • 저자
    송미령, 이동필; 박주영; 최양부; 유학열; 조영재
  • 등록일
  • 연구주제

서 론
기초생활권의 정책적 의의와 개념 설정
기초생활권의 현황 및 유형화
기초생활권 발전 정책의 비전과 방향
기초생활권 발전 정책의 주요 내용
기초생활권 발전 정책의 추진 체계와 정책 과제


The aim of this study is to establish a policy direction so that a schema for the development of ‘Basic Settlement Areas’ can be drawn up in earnest. The proposed ‘Basic Settlement Areas’ program is one of the underpinning elements in three dimensional framework of regional development policies of the current government of President Lee, namely four major axes of East Coastal Axis, South Coastal Axis, West Coastal Axis and East-West Inland Axis, "5+2" Area-Wide Economic Zones, and 162 Basic Settlement Areas. Unlike the other two, 162 Basic Settlement Areas are delineated explicitly to satisfy immediate needs of residents for basic services.
First, the theoretical meaning of ‘Basic Settlement Area’ is carefully studied as an extension of the previous conception of ‘Human Settlement Areas’, and then, basic conditions and characteristics are analyzed, compared and classified into different types. Secondly, a number of policy directions for the ‘Basic Settlement Area’ program to be effective in raising quality-of-life and welfare of each resident are suggested. Finally, contents of the program and measure to improve program outputs at each stage of the program are put forward.
162 Basic Settlement Areas, in various types of ‘urban’, ‘rural’, and ‘urban-rural linked’, do differ from previous Human Settlement Areas in their actual conditions and characteristics. Considering the program’s mandate, that is, to satisfy immediate needs of residents for basic services, and local governments’ familiarity with local conditions, local governments, rather than the central government, must push forward with the program. Especially to warrant effective program outcomes, policy guidelines must be established for various groups of policies respectively in advance so that planning and policy implementation can follow the guidelines. In addition, a system of incentives and penalties, in conjunction with a measure for the evaluation of program outcomes, must be built into the program.
Researchers: Mi-Ryung Song, Dong-Phil Lee, Ju-Young Park
Research Period: 2008.7.~2008.10.
E-mail Address: mrsong@krei.re.kr

송미령Song, Miryung
소속: 휴직 등 기타
저자의 다른 보고서
저자에게 문의
송미령Song, Miryung
소속: 휴직 등 기타
저자에게 문의

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