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농산물 유통시설의 운영성과와 효율성 분석

서 론
사업의 주요 내용
주요 쟁점과 기존평가 결과
개입논리에 대한 평가
효과성 평가
운용상의 효율성 검토 및 제고 방안
This study, as a part of government program evaluation, examines the effectiveness and efficiency of the three government programs such as the agricultural product processing center (APC) support program, the agricultural product logistic standardization program, and the logistic device joint use program. The mission of these programs is to facilitate the marketing of agricultural products and reduce logistic cost.
We review the program plans described by the Ministry of Agriculture & Forestry, re-establish the intervention logic of the government programs for enhancing the efficiency of agricultural product logistic facilities through qualitative investigation, and then derives the questions which need to be answered through quantitative analysis.
For the analysis on the effectiveness of the APC support program, we investigate whether agricultural product price and farm receiving price increase when agricultural products are shipped through the APC to wholesale markets. For the analysis on the effectiveness of the agricultural product logistic standardization and logistic device joint use programs, we investigate whether non-value-adding logistic cost increases when agricultural products are shipped with pallets used.
We examine the efficiency of government policies for improving the marketing in producing districts, the overlapping problem of multiple government programs relating to agricultural product logistic standardization, and the system of budget accounts. In particular, as to the system of government policies for improving the marketing in producing districts, we examine the overlapping problem of the APC support program and the large scaled APC support program administered as one of several Free Trade Agreement (FTA) funding fruit production support programs. Also, we investigate the proper form of future investments on APCs.
When the large scaled APC is constructed in the region where APCs already exist, there is the high possibility that two different types of APCs can compete with each other in order to secure agricultural products. To alleviate this potential problem, it is essential to establish the (horizontal) interrelationship between the APC and the large scaled APC.
The current system that each organization administrating the program relating to agricultural product logistic standardization provides an identical marketing entity with it own fund can reduce the efficiency of resource allocation for achieving logistic efficiency. Therefore, it is necessary that several programs for improving logistic efficiency are unified into one program under one budget account and one organization administers such an unified program.
For the APC support program and the agricultural product logistic standardization program administered under Balanced National Development Special Accounts (BNDSA), there is the possibility of inefficient resource allocation by local autonomous entities. In particular, it is challenging easy both systematically and politically that the existing APC specialized in specific items and managed across several regions considers participating in the large scaled APC. Therefore, it is necessary to reform a system in order to solve such a problem.
Researchers: Myungki Cho, Myoungki Lee
e-mail: chomk@krei.re.kr, mklee@krei.re.kr

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