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여건변화에 대응한 새로운 농식품정책의 추진 전략

농식품산업의 여건 변화와 전망
농식품 정책의 추진체계 분석
새로운 농식품정책의 추진체계 정립과 추진전략
요약 및 결론
The income growth of consumers and the consumption pattern shift toward higher-end, simple-to-cook and various foods have expanded the consumption and production of processed foods. Large-scale supermarkets have changed the distribution system and the enlarged and organized food production was made possible accordingly. In this regard, the path toward specialized food production is inevitable. The opening of agro-food market and the development of the global network increase food import and diversify food trading countries.
However, in Korea, the awareness of the importance of food industry is still low so that the systematic support and policy for food industry development is lacking. The food industry is essential since it is related to the people's eatery, but with the widespread perception that it is characterized by low growth and low efficiency, the food industry does not have sufficient infrastructure for growth.
The agro-food policies have faced issues like the narrow application scope, inconsistent policy implementation, and less efficient administrative structure to name a few. So far the food industry scope has been limited to the food manufacturing industry, and in the agricultural sector, the policy has been implemented against the regional agricultural food processing industry only that use domestic agricultural produce. Therefore, except for the food manufacturing industry, ①eat-out industry, ②food material industry, and ③fresh convenient foods have been excluded from the major industrial policies.
Against this background, it needs to establish a new systematic implementation scheme of agro-food policies. First of all, "Food Industry Development Committee" should be established under the direct control of the president.
Second, considering the close relationship between agriculture and the food industry, the two industries should be managed in an integrated manner for efficiency. It is more desirable that the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, which is in charge of production, processing, distribution, and safety(livestock etc.) of agricultural products and is knowledgeable of their biological features, manage both agriculture and agro-food.
Third, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry is recommended to establish "Deliberate Council for Food Industry Development" to deliberate on food industry development issues and organize committees under its control such as "Food Industry Development Committee" ac the entity of taking actions. The committee could draw out a master plan for consistent long-term based policy implementation to foster the food industry and seek advices from the academic and industrial sectors and consumers. The local autonomous governments could establish "Deliberate Council for Regional Food Industry Development."
Fourth, the agro-food safety management should be uniformly conducted by an agricultural agency. Food Safety Agency(tentatively named) could be launched under the control of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry to consistently provide food safety-related administrative services across all processes from production to consumption to build consumer trust.
Fifth, the demand for animal and plant quarantine service is rapidly increasing due to expanded cross-border trades in humans, animals and plants and growing import and export with the open-door policies including WTO/DDA and FTA negotiations making progress. Inter-linked system between the central and local government in terms of animal/plant quarantine, cross-border quarantine, and domestic quarantine should be constructed to manage currently dispersed epidemics control, quarantine, and hygiene functions in an integrated manner, and to this end, it is a desirable option to establish "Hygiene and Epidemic Control Agency for Animals and Plants."
In addition, in the 21st century, the authority in charge of agricultural policies should become a comprehensive administrative organization that could take the leadership in setting quantitative food supply policies as well as qualitative food policies for nutrition. In order to facilitate the consumption of local agricultural products and improve nutrient intake level of the most disadvantaged class, the food stamp system should be introduced for the basic livelihood program beneficiaries. Separate laws should be enacted for the fostering and development of the food industry. In order to systematically nurture the food industry, the roles and missions of the government and the industry should be defined, and the measures to foster the food industry should be hammered out. The food certification system such as traditional food certification and KS should be promoted further, and the certificate acquisition should be supported by providing information and technical guidance. In addition, certification-related incentives as the abolition of redundant inspections for similar certificates and preferred purchase of certified products could be offered.

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