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도매시장 제도·운영방식 및 구조개선에 관한 연구

서 론
유통환경 변화와 도매시장에의 시사점
도매시장 거래제도 비교분석과 개선방안
시장도매인제 시행방안
도매시장 관리운영 개선과 중앙·지방 도매시장의 역할 및 기능 재정립 방안
도매시장 시설개선 및 정비방안
도매시장 전망 및 기능 재편과 정책과제
The purposes of this research are re-establishing the roles and functions of wholesale markets, preparing the plans for improving trading institutes and supervision and operation systems, and providing the maintenance and improvement plan of facilities in order to confront internal and external changes in wholesale markets and marketing environment.
The contents of the research are as followings. First, we provide the effects of changing marketing environment in producing area, consumption area, import, etc. on wholesale markets and the implication of such effects. Second, we compare various trading institutes and then, provide the improvement plan. Third, we evaluate the operational performance of the market wholesalers system starting in 2004. Fourth, we examine the functions of central and regional wholesale markets. Thus, we provide the improvement plan and suggest several re-classification plans varying with the roles of two types of wholesale markets. Fifth, we investigate the facilities of nationwide wholesale markets and suggest the improvement and maintenance plan. Then, we re-establish the functions of future wholesale markets and suggest political measures.
The results are as followings. First, the formulation of a carried-in- volume checking system, the development of a standard price index, the obligation of the establishment of an accounting institute are necessary to improve trading institutes. Second, the efficiency in appointment process of wholesalers, the trust on an accounting system through forming an accounting cooperation, the preparation of objective assessment standards are necessary to provide the guideline for the introduction of the market wholesalers system and improve a supervision and operation system. Third, the collection and delivery ability of wholesale corporations, the efficiency of logistics, loading and unloading, the re-classification of central and regional wholesale markets are necessary to improve a supervision and operation system and re-establish the roles and functions of wholesale markets. Fourth, the improvement of facilities of wholesale markets should be promoted. The maintenance, moving, or re-construction plan need to be examined with the characteristics of each wholesale market and region considered.
Consolidating the producing-area-shippers demanding functions such as the stabilization of prices and marketing outlets and the clarity of trading information is necessary to strengthen the functions of wholesale markets. Intensifying the internal and external partnerships of wholesale markets is also required. The improvement of trading institutes, the maintenance and improvement of facilities, the formulation of differentiated marketing strategies, the consolidation of a quality control system, the reduction of marketing costs are essential.
Researchers: Byung-Ryul Kim, Seung-Yong Gouk, Myung-Ki Cho, Chang-Gon Jeon, Ji-Hyeon Choi, Sounghun Kim, Myoungki Lee, Kyung-Chool Cho,
E-mail address: brkim@krei.re.kr

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