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위성정보의 농업관측 활용 타당성

농업관측사업에 위성정보 활용의 의의
위성정보의 농업분야 국내외 활용 사례
위성정보를 활용한 관측업무 도입의 타당성
위성정보를 활용한 관측업무 도입의 기본 방향
미국, 캐나다, EU 등에서는 1970년대부터 위성정보를 농업통계 또는 관측 목적으로 활용하고 있으며, 국내에서도 농촌진흥청, 농산물품질관리원, 산림청, 한국해양수산개발원 등에서 경지 및 작물 현황, 자원 관리, 수산관측 등을 위해 위성정보를 활용하거나 활용할 계획에 있다.
이 연구에서는 위성 정보기술의 발전 추세와 국내외 위성 자료의 농업분야 활용 사례 등을 조사하여, 위성정보를 관측사업에 도입하는 것이 경제?기술적으로 타당한 것인가를 검토하였다. 본 연구에서 기술적 검토를 한 바에 따르면, 위성기술을 활용한 산지정보는 정보의 정확성과 객관성을 높이고, 동시에 조사비용을 절감시킬 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.
This study investigates to determine whether the satellite image(SI) would be beneficial for Korean agricultural outlook in terms of technical and economic concerns by surveying trend of SI technological development and selected international examples of utilizing SI in the field of agricultural sector.
Many developed countries including the United States and European Union(EU) have used SI for producing agricultural statistics and outlook since the late 1970s. In Korea, some government institutes encompassing Rural Development Administration(RDA), the National Agricultural Products Quality management System(NAQS), and the Ministry of Forestry is utilizing SI for their works. As the SI technology is developed further, the SI will be widely used in the field of agricultural sector both domestically and internationally.
It is expected that an information on agricultural production area obtained from SI will improve the accuracy of agricultural outlook and its credibility. It may also reduce the cost for agricultural outlook. The SI would be powerful for checking changes in agricultural production area resulted from climate shock and government policy. Furthermore, the SI would be used for analyzing the situation of foreign agricultural production including North Korea and China.
In light of the current status of SI technology development in Korea, the cultivation area and yield would be determined from the SI for some products including rice. However further studies need to be implemented for adapting SI for specific purposes. Many lessons relating to SI are to be solved; burden of initial cost and lack of appropriate manpower handling SI.
In order to introduce SI for producing agricultural outlook information, i) step by step approach by which detailed information strategic planning(ISP) and about three-year pilot projects should be implemented is needed, and ii) each institute involving utilization of SI needs to cooperate for maximizing project's efficiency.
Researchers : Oh-Bok Kwon and Jae-Hwan Kim
E-mail Address : obkwon@krei.re.kr, jhkim@krei.re.kr

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