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농산물RFID물류유통정보시스템 구축기본방향

RFID 기술현황과 농업부문에서의 의미
RFID 기술의 국내외 적용사례
농산물 RFID 물류유통정보시스템 구축전략
RFID 정보를 활용한 농업관측물류정보시스템 구상
This study tries to suggest the guideline on how to build Agricultural Radio Frequency IDentification Logistics Information System(ARFIDLIS) as a context of preliminary Information Strategic Planning(ISP). For this, the meaning and effects of ARFIDLIS in agricultural sector are reviewed. In addition, the examples utilizing RFID technology are also introduced.
RFID technology has been commonly used for monitering crop and livestock production, tracing production history, and checking logistics of agricultural products. In the past the studies on tracing production history and related topics have been barely implemented owing to the lack of business model and the limitation of technical development. In these days however many studies and projects on logistics based on RFID are performed. Those projects may create valuable information on logistic stream.
Various government including the ministry of Information and Communication (MIC), the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry(MAF), and regional or local governments are actively involved in introducing RFID technology for tracing production history, producing marketing and logistic information since 2007. Among them, real time logistic information would be used for several purposes including reference for decision making of market agents, agricultural outlook, and formulation of government price measurement such as marketing order.
When government pilot programs are on the track and related information is accumulated, the Agricultural Radio Frequency IDentification Logistics Information System(ARFIDLIS) needs to be built for agricultural outlook through specific ISP and consecutive systematic preparation.
Researchers : Oh-Bok Kwon and Jae-Hwan Kim
E-mail Address : obkwon@krei.re.kr, jhkim@krei.re.kr

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