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조합공동사업법인 발전방향 연구

▷산지유통 여건변화와 과제
▷조합공동사업법인 현황과 문제
▷조합공동사업법인 관련 쟁점사항과 제약 요인
▷일본농협의 산지유통 개선 방향
▷조합공동사업법인제도 개선방안
▷요약 및 결론
농산물 유통 환경이 대형 유통업체 출현 및 소비자의 식생활 패턴의 변화로 빠르게 변화하고 있다. 소비지 시장은 산지에 대해 상품의 규모화, 규격화, 차별화 등의 공급조건을 요구하고 있다. 이에 대해 효과적 대응하지 못하면 우리 농업의 수익성이 악화되므로 산지유통 강화가 중요한 정책과제이다.
우리 농업도 시장환경 변화에 대응하여 수확 후 유통시설을 현대화하여 상품화 수준을 높이고, 유통 효율화를 위하여 규모화를 지속적으로 추진하여 왔다. 그 대표적인 것이 농협의 시군 단위 연합마케팅이다. 그러나 연합마케팅사업이 조합원과의 관계, 상품화의 다양성, 거래처와의 관계 등에서 문제점들이 지적되면서 조합공동사업법인으로 발전하는 방안이 제시되었다.
이 연구에서는 변화하는 유통 환경에 대응하여 개정된 농협법에 새로이 도입된 조합공동사업법인제의 발전 방향을 마련하고자 하였다. 이를 통해 수확 후 단계에서 차별화, 전문화의 산지유통 기능을 강화하고, 시장이 요구하는 안정적 공급능력을 확보하는 방안을 마련하고자 하였다. 농협의 산지유통사업이 부가가치를 창출하는 시장 지향형 유통사업으로 전환하는 수단으로서 조합공동사업법인의 발전 방향을 마련한 것이다. 광역합병조합의 자회사와 기존 지역조합간 연합판매사업과의 차별성을 검토하였다.
The objective of the study is to find ways to foster marketing firms in common as agricultural producer shippers that can adequately respond to various requests from the consumer market. The concept of marketing firms in common is newly introduced in the Agricultural Cooperative Act , which was revised to cope with the evolving marketing environment in 2005. In the study, we examined a development plan of share marketing cooperative firm so that marketing function of cooperatives can be transformed into more market oriented marketing business that can create value-added.
Like other countries in the OECD, Korean farmers are experiencing market changes that are mainly driven by consumers. Consumption patterns are shifting to care more about food safety and quality rather than just price. As the market powers of a handful big hypermarket chains are growing with their market shares, small retailers as well as wholesalers and the wholesale market have been shrinking. Recently, the competition among hypermarket chains is getting fierce as more stores from different chains are vying for market share in a given area. Transaction patterns to link producers with consumers have been evolving from the traditional method of auctioning to direct transactions preferred by big hypermarket chains. In this circumstance, producers need to adapt themselves to the demands of big retailers, the request of large volume supply in a steady quality all the year round. Because of the high competition among retailers and changes in consumer preference, producers also need to make their products be differentiated from other products. On top of this, the market opening from trade negotiations brought more imported agricultural products at lower prices.
New organizations in charge of produce shipping have shown to actively correspond to the request of consumer market. However, joint alliance or integrated cooperatives at regional level have shown their limitations in terms of specialization, enterprising, and the speed of business adjustment. Hence, marketing firms in common was introduced to overcome the limitations and take charge of business activities that are difficult for a individual regional cooperative to fulfill.
By conducting interviews with various agricultural produce shippers including marketing firms in common, we tried to find out what have prevented the development of agricultural produce shippers. The interviews focused on governing structure, capital raising, profit distribution, and related laws including tax. Since there are only ten marketing firms in common nationwide, and most of them were enacted in 2006, we couldn't proceed with quantitative analysis of their business performance of them. Meanwhile, we also reviewed the case of agricultural cooperatives in Japan that have been experiencing marketing reforms. Agricultural cooperatives in Japan have a similar integrated cooperative structure, where a marketing business unit and a financial business unit are dependent upon each other. We figured out how their reform is related with the changes of consumer market and then what are the limitations of their reform.
In the study, we identified the followings: First, we established the vision and status of marketing firms in common, differentiating them with cooperatives mergers and subsidiaries. Second, after grasping the obstacle to the development of cooperatives, we proposed an institutional and legal foundation on which marketing firms in common can be revitalized. Third, we suggested ideal relationships of marketing firms in common with farmers, primary cooperatives, and the NACF.
Researchers: Eui-Sik Hwang, Hogun Chong
E-mail address: eshwang@krei.re.kr

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