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전통식품에 대한 소비자 평가와 시장 활성화 방안

▷전통식품시장의 현황과 특성
▷소비자의 전통식품 평가
▷외국의 전통식품 현황과 시사점
▷전통식품시장의 활성화 방안
▷요약 및 결론
소득이 높아지고 삶의 질을 추구하는 경향이 확대되면서 소비자들이 전통식품의 기능성에 더욱 관심을 나타내고 있다. 아울러 문화적인 차원에서도 건강성과 과학성이 담긴 전통 생활문화에 대한 발굴과 재조명이 추진되고 있다. 그러나 서구식 식생활의 확대와 식품 소비의 간편화와 다양화 추세 등은 전통식품에 대한 수요를 제약하는 요인들로 작용한다.
전통식품은 농업의 측면에서도 국산 농산물의 수요 확대, 농업소득 증대 등을 가져올 것으로 기대되어 정부는 “농산물가공산업육성법”을 근거로 인증 및 자금지원 등의 정책을 추진해 왔다. 전통식품정책은 전통문화, 지역개발 등과도 관련성이 크므로 여러 부처에서 다양한 제도와 사업을 시행하고 있다. 그러나 전통식품업체의 상당수가 가격 및 품질 경쟁력을 갖추지 못하고, 소비자들도 전통식품 인증제도를 거의 인지하지 못하는 등 전통식품정책이 효과를 거두지 못하고 있다.
이 연구는 전통식품시장의 특성 파악과 소비자 시각에서의 전통식품 평가를 기초로 전통식품 개선 정책과 마케팅 방안을 제시하는 것을 목적으로 추진되었다. 전통식품을 지역별 음식이 국가 차원에서 보편화되고 상품화된 형태로 정의하였으며, 소비자 평가시 김치류·장류·한과를 주요 분석대상으로 하였다.
The study is designed to understand characteristics of the traditional food market and to propose government policies for improving traditional foods and marketing plans. ABSTRACT
The findings indicate the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry should develop a legal foundation to enhance commercialization and marketability of traditional foods. The ministry is also needed to support technical and R carry out PR and training; and introduce a management system to meet the hygiene criteria for regular foods. In the long term, the hygiene and labeling specifications for regular foods should be applied to traditional foods; it is needed to develop a model such as HACCP for traditional foods.
When a certification system for traditional foods is introduced, the name and mark should be improved, and the scope of application should be limited to cases where traditional foods are made with locally produced raw materials only and where specific traditional production methods are applied. As in the European Union, the specifications for traditional foods should be improved to articulate production methods in detail. Follow-up management efforts to observe certificate details should also be strengthened; and a proper labeling system should be created to deliver information on traditional foods to customers.
For Kimchi, new markets including school lunch and export should be explored, and price competitiveness should be secured by pursuing scale-up and standardization. When it comes to traditional sauces, the production methods are distinctive from each other. Consequently, the most effective method is to improve product quality and use high-quality raw materials. Traditional Korean cookies called Hangwa is a favorite food and top performing producers tend to dominate the market. For the market, the pursuit for fusion food and the improvement of convenience in consumption, and other diversification strategies, can be made and implemented. It is forecast to be better to enhance the quality of raw materials and improve the package design. For Kimchi, it is needed to expand the size of businesses and develop co-brands. For traditional sauces, the creation of producer clusters and the use of production sites as tourism assets will be needed along with differentiated PR activities and product lineup. For Hangwa, it also needs to be transformed into a tourism asset, whereby consumers can gain a better understanding of the traditional food through production site tours. Furthermore, Hangwa should be linked to restaurant industry to create more demand.
When developing traditional foods, the overall taste and quality should be improved in ways that can boost customer preference and strengthen trust in products. The package should be improved as well to ensure the convenient consumption of traditional foods without damaging original tastes.
Researchers: Lee, Kyei-Im and Kim, Min-Jeong
Research period: 2006. 1 - 2006. 11.
E-mail Adress: lkilki@krei.re.kr

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