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청원군 농업·농촌 발전계획수립연구

2005.07.01 30848
연구보고서 표지
  • 과제성격
  • 저자
    유승우, 조명기; 허덕; 김수석; 성주인; 박경철; 강정현
  • 등록일
  • 연구주제

제Ⅰ편 청원군 농업·농촌 발전 구상
제 1 장 계획수립의 전제 9
제1절 관련계획 검토 9
제2절 개방시대 농업·농촌의 여건 15
제3절 농정의 방향전환과 새로운 가치대두 22
제 2 장 청원군의 농업·농촌 여건과 특징 23
제1절 청원군의 일반현황 23
제2절 청원군의 농업 여건과 현황 31
제 3 장 청원군 농업·농촌 비전 39
제1절 청원군 농업·농촌의 비전과 추진전략 39
제2절 비전 달성을 위한 과제 42
제3절 농업개발권역 설정 42
제4절 청원군 농업·농촌의 미래상 44
제5절 2011년 청원농업 발전지표 46
제Ⅱ편 청원군 부문별 발전계획
제 4 장 청원생명쌀 명품화 장기계획 49
제1절 청원 생명쌀의 생산기술 현황 49
제2절 청원 생명쌀의 명품화를 위한 운영방안 정립 54
제3절 청원 생명쌀의 장기 발전방향 72
제 5 장 원예산업의 현황과 발전 방향 83
제1절 국내외 원예산업의 현황과 전망 83
제2절 청원 원예산업의 현황과 발전 방향 88
제 6 장 청원 축산의 고부가가치 정예화 99
제1절 청원군 축산의 특징 99
제2절 고품질 광역 브랜드 한우의 육성 101
제3절 친환경, 고품질 양돈의 확립 115
제4절 고품질 시유 소비의 확대 123
제5절 고품질 양계산물 생산, 유통체계 확립 128
제6절 청원 꿀의 명품화 132
제7절 청원군 축산부문 투융자계획 146
제 7 장 청원군을 친환경농업의 메카로 육성 149
제1절 국내외 여건변화 149
제2절 친환경 농업의 현황과 정책방향 150
제3절 청원군의 친환경농업 육성 현황 160
제4절 청원 친환경농업 추진상의 문제점 166
제5절 청원친환경농업의 SWOT 분석 167
제6절 21세기 청원지역 친환경농업의 비전 168
제7절 친환경농업의 육성 전략 168
제8절 청원 친환경농업 클러스터 173
제9절 청원군 친환경농업의 투융자 198
제 8 장 농산물 유통개선 및 수출 증대 방안 205
제1절 농산물 유통 환경의 변화 전망 205
제2절 청원군 농산물 유통현황과 문제점 207
제3절 청원군 농산물 수출현황과 문제점 214
제4절 농산물 브랜드 현황 및 문제점 216
제5절 농산물 유통개선과 수출 증대 방안 218
제 9 장 농업인력 및 생산기반 정비 239
제1절 농업인력 육성 239
제2절 농업생산기반 정비 246
제 10 장 농촌생활환경 개선 253
제1절 청원군 농촌생활환경의 현황과 문제점 253
제2절 정부의 농촌생활환경 개선 정책 방향 263
제3절 청원군 농촌생활환경의 SWOT 분석과 대응 방향 267
제4절 청원군 농촌생활환경 개선의 기본 전략 과제 268
제5절 세부 추진계획 278
제6절 청원군 농촌생활개선 사업 투자 계획 293
제 11 장 어메니티 자원 개발과 농촌관광 활성화 295
제1절 농촌관광의 비전과 전망 295
제2절 청원군 농촌관광의 여건 299
제3절 청원군 농촌관광 발전전략 308
제4절 농촌관광 주요 추진 사업 310
제Ⅲ편 농림부문 투융자 계획
제 12 장 투융자 계획 수립 345
제1절 청원군 재정분석 및 평가 345
제2절 농업·농촌 투융자 분석 348
제3절 농업·농촌 투융자계획 수립 352
제4절 계획의 추진체계 362
abstract 365
참고문헌 369
부 록
1. 청원군 쌀 명품화를 위한 기준 373
2. 청원군 농업·농촌발전계획 개발수요조사 382
3. 외국의 농업·농촌개발 우수사례 현지조사 403


Various worldwide changes in agriculture have impacted domestic agriculture and agricultural policy and further are expected to influence local agriculture and agricultural policy. Among the changes are drastic import increase of agricultural products and agricultural policies putting more emphasis on multifunctionality of agriculture, which were caused by the WTO/DDA agricultural negotiation, and proliferation of the FTA agreement. Considering the fact that the difference between rural areas in terms of quality of life, competitiveness of agricultural products, and farm income level were largely influenced by the interest and investment of local government, it becomes more important for local governments to establish and drive reliable development plan of agriculture as well as rural area.
Recently in particular, many local governments have adopted the differentiation strategy utilizing local unique characteristics of their regions. And the competition among production regions becomes more severe, as they are driving forward the branding of agricultural products, various promotions of C.I businesses to created better local image, and opening up export markets.
In this study, we set up a comprehensive agricultural and rural development of the Cheongwon county, which is near in urban area, is located at the center of the country. Considering the inner and outside environment surrounding agriculture in the county, we examined regional, environmental, and social-economic features of the county and its each towns and evaluated the strength and weakness, and the potential of agriculture in the region. Especially, we put our focus on the long term plan to make rice produced in the county being top brand, the plan to make the county being the central area of organic food (environment friendly agricultural products), and the plan to develop amenity and green tour resources.
In summary, we provided the vision of desirable Cheongwon's future in agricuture and rural area, which was based on setting up the agricultural and rural vision of Cheongwon in the 21st century, determining the priorities of public investment and establishing the detailed development strategies.
In the study, we divided the county into five regions in order to establish development plan of the Cheongwon county. They are 1) eastern semi-mountainous region, 2) south-eastern semi-mountainous region, 3) south-western semi-plain region, 4) western semi-plain region, and 5) northern semi-plain region. The eastern semi-mountainous region includes Miwon-Myeon and Nangseong-Myeon in terms of administrative districts. Being specialized in glutinous rice, minor grains, and apple, this region is planned to create the specialized area in products being able to generate high income, highland vegetable area, rural recreation area. In addition, as a part of branding business of Cheongwon agricultural products, it is planned to build the APC for gathering, sorting, packing, processing, and marketing minor grains.
For the south-eastern semi-mountainous region which covers Namil-Myeon, Gadeok-Myeon, and Munui-Myeon, it is planned to develop cultural garden city in Munui-Myeon area and to create green tour area near Cheongnamdae. In Namil and Gadeok area, the Cheongwon county will introduce a terraced rice field ownership rule, make clean agricultural product area near Daecheong lake and create wild flower area.
For the south-western semi-plain region which covers Nami-Myeon, Buyong-Myeon, Hyeondo-Myeon, it is planned to build a typical near city agricultural area and apiculture area. Utilizing a benefit from near Gyeongbu highway, Cheongwon county will build a APC. Buyong-Myeon, Hyeondo-Myeon are derived to specialize in producing peach and pear with best quality. Being connected with the Jangseung park in Hyeondo-Myeon, Haseok-Ri, county will put an effort to make the sun-rise of Guryong mountain being more attractive to tourists.
For the western semi-plain region which covers Oksan-Myeon, Gangoe-Myeon, and Gangnae-Myeon, it is planned to build the bio agricultural industry area, linked with Ohsong life science complex and expand established horticulture area (vegetables, and flowers). In addition, utilizing a benefit from near highway, a large scale processing complex will be built.
Last, the northern semi-plain region is organized by Ochang-Myeon, Bugi-Myeon, and Naesu-Eup. This region will be built as a mecca of organic agricultural products, being created Cheongwon rice specialized area and livestock farming area. Being connected with the house of Unbo, a famous artist and the Chojung mineral spring in Naesu-Eup, the Cheongwon county will organize the green tour area in this region and keep supporting the Chojeong mineral spring festival.
In the study, for the Cheongwon county, we suggested 37 new strategic business plans such as organizing a ever green long life village, building a agriculture cluster, which cares about the natural environment, constructing APC, etc. The time horizon of the development plan is from 2005 to 2014 and the estimated total cost of the agriculture and rural development plan for the Cheongwon county is 138,000 million won.
Researchers: Seung-Woo Ryu, Myung-Ki Cho, Duk Huh, Soo-suk Kim, Joo-In Seong, Kyong-Cheol Park, Jung-Hyun Kang, Dong-Chul Kim, Hun Kim
E-mail address: sewryu@krei.re.kr
Research period: 2004.6 - 2005.7

유승우Ryu, Seungwoo
소속: 연우회
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유승우Ryu, Seungwoo
소속: 연우회
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