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농촌 지연산업 활성화 방안

2004.12.01 28179
연구보고서 표지
  • 과제성격
  • 저자
    박석두, 김태연
  • 등록일
  • 연구주제

제1장 서 론
1. 연구의 필요성과 목적 1
2. 선행 연구 검토 5
3. 연구범위·연구내용·연구방법 13
제2장 지연산업의 개념과 분포
1. 지연산업의 개념 16
2. 농촌지역의 지연산업 분포와 유형 23
제3장 사례조사 지역의 지연산업 실태
1. 순창 전통장류산업 33
2. 남원 목공예산업 50
3. 담양 죽제품산업 61
4. 영주 직물산업 69
5. 사례조사 결과 종합 80
제4장 지연산업 관련 지원제도
1. 중소기업 지원제도 86
2. 중앙정부 각 부처의 지역산업 육성정책 100
제5장 지연산업 활성화 방안
1. 지연산업의 당면과제 105
2. 지연산업의 발전 방향 113
3. 지연산업 활성화를 위한 정책 방향과 과제 117
제6장 요약 및 결론 125
참고문헌 134


요 약
이 연구의 목적은 지역경제 활성화의 한 수단으로서 지연산업의 발전 가능성을 점검하고 그 활성화 방안을 제시하는 것이다. 연구의 주요 내용은 ① 선행연구 검토를 통한 지연산업의 개념 정의 제시 및 지연산업의 시·군별 분포와 유형 조사, ② 사례조사를 통한 해당 지역 내 지연산업의 경제적 위상과 업체의 운영 실태 및 발전 가능성 검토, ③ 지연산업에 대한 지원제도의 현황과 문제점 파악, ④ 지연산업의 발전방안 제시 등 네 부분이다.
(이하 본문 참조)

The purposes of this study are to explore the potential of development of local-based industry as a means of local economic development and to find the ways to assist it. The term local-based industry is conceptually defined as "a collaborative production and marketing system of local SME groups within a certain area that is based on local endowment and labour and on social division of labour among the enterprises." This study found that 33 local counties in Korea have the industries producing 22 commodities and that there are about 3,150 companies in total.
Four case studies have been done in order to identify their current situation and problems. From consecutive interviews with local government officials and the profession, it found that the local-based industries have potential for creating new demand and markets through the development and innovation of traditional technology. However, due to their small or micro size of business, it is important to survive that they themselves should have collaborative works and then form a close network among them. Moreover, it is also essential to provide them with financial assistance by a flexible policy support system specific to each local area and industry.
The term local-based industry has not been used by government policies but included in SMEs support policies. These have tried to help the SMEs by ways of providing monies for their investment and reducing texes. Since the monies must go for the SMEs through commercial banks, however, it is almost impossible for the small businesses that are not able to give enough securities for the loan to get access to the monies. The tex reduction is more favorable to those moved from cities than those in operation already in rural areas. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a support system that directly give benefits to all businesses of a specific sector in a certain area.
Finally, this study suggest six main tasks to develop the local-based industry in Korea: ① promoting inter-firm collaborative works; ② improving competitiveness to cope with global competition; ③ modernizing the production and marketing methods; ④ diversifying the products to enlarge the market demand; ⑤ establishing combined industry for regional economic development as a whole; ⑥ forming industrial cluster with intra-region collaborative system. In order to achieve these, the central government should enforce various kinds of support systems and planning process in local regions with legislation. Moreover, local governments should not only set up research and development centers for industrial clusters but also conduct some schemes to promote various kinds of collaborative works between the enterprises. With a long-term development plan, it should have quality management systems for regional products and make a focus on training and development of human resources.
Researchers: Seok-Doo Park, Tae-Yeon Kim
E-mail address : sdpark@krei.re.kr

박석두Park, Seokdoo
소속: 연우회
저자의 다른 보고서
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박석두Park, Seokdoo
소속: 연우회
저자에게 문의

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농업부문 전망모형 KREI-ASMO 2004 운용·개발연구