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친환경농업체제로의 전환을 위한 전략과 추진방안

차 례
제1장 서론
1. 연구 필요성 1
2. 연구 목적 3
3. 연구 방법 4
4. 선행 연구 검토 13
제2장 농업생태계 환경부하 분석의 접근 방법
1. 시스템 전환을 위한 통합적 접근 18
2. 지역단위 환경부하 분석 21
제3장 시스템 전환을 위한 정책프로그램
1. 프로그램 개발의 기본 원칙 29
2. 시스템 전환을 위한 경제적 유인제도 31
3. 시스템 전환을 위한 총량규제 36
4. 시스템 전환을 위한 농업환경정책 프로그램 38
5. 주요국의 농업환경정책 프로그램 42
제4장 사례분석- 환경부하·농가반응·경제성 분석
1. 홍성군의 환경부하 분석 64
2. 옥천군의 환경부하 분석 98
3. 농가반응 분석 123
4. 화학비료 대체에 대한 농가의향 분석 135
5. 경제성 분석 139
제5장 친환경농업체제 전환을 위한 추진전략
1. 전략수립의 접근방법 145
2. 전략분석 149
3. 전략적 선택 154
4. 전략의 실천 164
5. 시스템 전환을 위한 정책비용 추정 186
제6장 요약 및 결론 192
부 록
부록 1. 네덜란드의 MINAS 관련 양식 199
부록 2. 농업환경정책 평가를 위한 전문가 조사 설문서 209
부록 3. 농가 경영실태 및 설문 조사표 213
부록 4. 일본의 농업생태계 물질순환에 관한 연구사례 233
참고 문헌 250
요 약
이 연구는 특정 사례지역을 중심으로 친환경농업체제로의 전환을 위한 농업생산 활동의 경제성,기술성,환경성 측면에서의 종합적이고 체계적인 조사·분석을 기초로 규제와 지원의 적절한 결합, 관련 정책의 통합·조정 등 실제적인 전략 수립과 구체적인 추진 방안을 제시하는 데 연구목적이 있다. 이를 위하여 한국농촌경제연구원, 농업과학기술원, 한국환경정책평가연구원 등 세 기관이 공동으로 참여하는 2년차 연구과제를 수행하였다.
사례지역은 지역단위의 농업생태계 개념을 고려하여 수계가 위치한 지역을 중심으로 민간 주도의 친환경농업 우수 사례지역인 홍성군 홍동저수지 유역과 친환경농업이 확산되고 있는 옥천군 보청천 유역으로 선정하였다.
본 연구보고서는 총 6개의 장으로 구성되었다. 제1장에서는 연구의 필요성과 목적, 연구방법, 선행연구 검토 등을 다루었다. 제2장에서는 농업생태계 환경부하 분석을 위한 통합적 접근과 지역단위 엔트로피 추정 방법을 제시하였다. 제3장에서는 시스템 전환을 위한 정책프로그램 개발의 기본 원칙, 시스템 전환을 위한 경제적 유인제도와 총량규제, 농업환경 정책프로그램, 벤치마킹을 위한 주요국의 농업환경정책 프로그램을 다루었다. 제4장에서는 두 사례지역을 대상으로 환경부하 분석, 친환경농업 실천농가·관행농가·축산농가 등을 대상으로 한 농가반응 분석, 화학비료 대체에 대한 농가의향 분석, 경제성 분석 등을 수행하였다. 제5장에서는 사례분석 결과를 기초로 친환경농업체제로의 전환을 위한 추진전략으로 전략수립의 접근방법, 전략분석, 전략적 선택, 실천전략, 시스템 전환을 위한 정책비용 추정 등을 다루었다. 끝으로 제6장에서는 요약 및 결론을 제시하였다.
Strategies for Establishing Environmentally-Friendly Agricultural System in Korea
Under the pressure of population growth and cultivated acreage scarcity, production intensification for high productivity has raised the issues of environmental degradation in the agricultural sector. Environmental burden of agricultural sector depends on farming technology and site-specific characteristics. Thus, an appropriate approach to solving agro-environmental problems should consider the carrying capacity at regional levels.
The objectives of this study are to analyze environmental loading in specific regions and to formulate strategies for establishing environmentally friendly agricultural system using a material balance model and a strategic approach. In mapping out the strategies, a system perspective is essential which is envisioned in its broadest sense, from the individual farm, to the local and national ecosystems affected by this farming system both locally and globally. A system approach gives us the tools to explore the interactions between ecological and socioeconomic aspects of our environment. A system approach also implies interdisciplinary efforts in research. In this note, this study is accomplished through the corporative works with multidisciplinary approach including Korea Rural Economic Institute, National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology, and Korea Environment Institute. The two study areas are selected the Hongseong county at Chungnam province and Okcheon county at Chungbook province.
The organization of this study is summarized as follows:
In the Section 1, the problem statement, study objectives, and previous literature review are briefly discussed. Section 2 outlines the integrated approach to analyzing environmental burden of agricultural ecosystem and to estimating regionally based entropy. Section 3 presents policy programs for transforming into environmentally friendly agriculture from conventional practices. This section suggests basic principles for developing policy programs. In addition, economic incentive schemes, quantity regulation, and agri-environmental programs are briefly discussed and then major countries' agri-environmental programs are reviewed for benchmarking policy programs. Section 4 analyzes and diagnoses environmental burden and carrying capacity in the specific watershed areas using regionally-based material balance model. In addition, farmers' responses on environmentally friendly agricultural system are surveyed. Section 5 maps out strategies for managing appropriately regional agri-environmental resources such as the best management practices, life-cycle assessment, and regional-based natural cycling system. Finally, Section 6 presents brief summary and concluding remarks.
The materials balance approach provides a method for assessing nutrient surpluses of specific regions, and hence their environmental loads. This approach is based on both the first law and the second law of thermodynamics in a closed system which addresses the problem of environmental loading in the agro-ecosystem. It involves and aims, at the various actors influencing nutrients management at different levels. A quantitative diagnostic phase, to determine nutrient management and economic performance in existing farming system, is followed by a targeted process of participatory development of integrated nutrient management technologies and formulation of facilitating policy instruments. Further development of the approach is required through inclusion of social disciplines, extrapolation of results to regional area.
In order to mapping out the strategies, a stylized strategic approach which consist of strategic analysis, strategic choice, and strategy implementation is employed. Strategy analysis is conducted by SWOT (Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats) analysis and scenario analysis. Strategic choice is carried out making a priority on suggested agri-environmental policy programs using an analytic hierarchy process (AHP). Based on strategic analysis and choice, strategy implementation suggests establishing infrastructure (human resource, education, database, and marketing), conducting policy mix with environmental regulations and economic incentives, and renovating institutional and legal framework for establishing environmentally friendly agricultural system.
Major findings of the study present regional-based nutrient balance situation in specific two study areas. Annual environmental loads of nitrogen and phosphorus from Hongseong county in 2003 are estimated at 2,676 ton and 1,242 ton, respectively. In addition, Okcheon county is estimated 443 ton in nitrogen and 258 ton in phosphorus. The results show that the amount of macro-nutrients based on ingredients are over-supplied 100.7 percent in Hongseong county and 30.9 percent in Okcheon county. The oversupplied macro-nutrients will affect the agricultural ecosystem in both counties negatively by being discharged and leached to the soil, ground and surface water.
Based on an evaluation of the results of this case study, several suggestions are offered for managing material balance in specific areas. The most important thing is to establish best management practices and natural cycling agricultural system. To minimize the high surplus and losses of plant nutrients from agricultural system the input of nutrients to the system needs to be reduced. This can be solved by increasing recycling within the system. In this study, illustrated examples are presented showing that it is possible to conserve and minimize the losses of nitrogen and other plant nutrients through systematic recycling within agro-ecosystem through integration of crop and livestock sectors. However, to achieve high levels of production and recycling efficiency, there needs to be a good balance between the intensity of livestock production and crop production acreage at regional levels. Assuming that these principles are followed, size of livestock operations (specially swine and pigs) needs to be significantly decreased in Hongseong county.
Researcher: Chang-Gil Kim et al.
E-mail address: changgil@krei.re.kr

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