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농수산물 도매시장 운영 활성화 방안

머 리 말
제1장 서 론
1. 연구의 필요성 1
2. 연구 목적 3
3. 연구 범위 3
제2장 농수산물 유통환경의 변화
1. 산지 유통여건의 변화 4
2. 도매유통의 환경 변화 7
3. 소비지의 유통 환경 변화 9
제3장 도매시장의 경쟁력과 변화 전망
1. 도매시장의 기능 12
2. 도매시장의 경쟁력 13
3. 도매시장의 변화 전망 19
제4장 도매시장 운영 현황 및 문제점 분석
1. 개설 현황 24
2. 관리·운영체계 26
3. 시설 현황 및 문제점 33
4. 유통종사자 현황 및 문제점 38
5. 거래 현황과 문제점 42
6. 물류 현황 및 문제점 60
7. 유통정보 운영 및 문제점 66
제5장 농수산물 도매시장 운영 활성화 방안
1. 도매시장 운영효율성 제고 70
2. 농수산물 집하·분산 능력의 강화 76
3. 거래제도의 개선 85
4. 도매시장 기능 재정립과 시설 개선 91
5. 물류의 효율성 증진 95
6. 유통정보의 선진화 98
7. 제도 개선 100
부록 1 일본의 도매시장법 개정 배경과 내용 110
참고 일본 도매시장법 신구법률 비교 128
부록 2 도매시장 관련 표 140
영문 요약 156
참 고 문 헌 157
The purpose of this study is to suggest strategies for enhancing functions of the public agricultural and marine products wholesale market in Korea under rapidly changing marketing environment.
This study is intended to outlook trends of the public wholesale market and marketing environment on agricultural and marine products wholesale markets, and to propose strategies for enhancing functions of the public agricultural and marine products wholesale market in Korea by analyzing situations and problems of 32 nationwide public wholesale markets.
To enhance functions of the public agricultural and marine products wholesale market, some strategies are suggested as follows. First, the operation efficiency of the firms and merchants at public wholesale markets has to be raised. Second, gathering and dispersion capability of the firms and merchants at public wholesale markets has to be strengthened. Third, transaction system has to be improved . Fourth, the functions of public wholesale has to be reestablished and market facilities have to be improved or reconstructed. Fifth, the efficiency of logistics and marketing information in the market have to be improved. Lastly, institutions in the market system including laws and rules have to be improved.
Project period : 2004. 8 ~ 2004. 12
Researchers : Huh Gill-Haeng, Cho Myung-Ki, Jeon Chang-Gon, Jung Hak-Soo, Byeon Sin-Eui, E-mail: chomk@krei.re.kr
The purpose of this study is to suggest strategies for enhancing functions of the public agricultural and marine products wholesale market in Korea under rapidly changing marketing environment.
This study is intended to outlook trends of the public wholesale market and marketing environment on agricultural and marine products wholesale markets, and to propose strategies for enhancing functions of the public agricultural and marine products wholesale market in Korea by analyzing situations and problems of 32 nationwide public wholesale markets.
To enhance functions of the public agricultural and marine products wholesale market, some strategies are suggested as follows. First, the operation efficiency of the firms and merchants at public wholesale markets has to be raised. Second, gathering and dispersion capability of the firms and merchants at public wholesale markets has to be strengthened. Third, transaction system has to be improved . Fourth, the functions of public wholesale has to be reestablished and market facilities have to be improved or reconstructed. Fifth, the efficiency of logistics and marketing information in the market have to be improved. Lastly, institutions in the market system including laws and rules have to be improved.
Project period : 2004. 8 ~ 2004. 12
Researchers : Huh Gill-Haeng, Cho Myung-Ki, Jeon Chang-Gon, Jung Hak-Soo, Byeon Sin-Eui, E-mail: chomk@krei.re.kr

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