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우리나라 표고 산업의 정책과제와 발전 방향

제1장 서 론 1
1. 연구의 배경과 필요성 1
2. 연구 목적 2
3. 연구 내용과 방법 3
제2장 표고 산업의 실태와 동향 5
1. 수급 동향 5
2. 수출입 동향 10
3. 가격 동향 15
4. 유통 실태 21
5. 표고의 수급 전망과 수입개방 확대의 영향 25
제3장 표고 재배의 경영 실태 29
1. 표고 재배의 생산구조 29
2. 표고 재배의 경영실태 32
3. 표고 재배의 수익성 35
4. 재배 방법별 수익성 비교 36
5. 표고 재배 농가의 주요 애로사항 42
제4장 표고 산업의 전후방 지원 현황 45
1. 표고 종균의 생산 및 공급 45
2. 표고자목의 공급실태 51
3. 기술 확산과 기계화 55
제5장 일본과 중국의 표고 산업 현황과 시사점 57
1. 일본의 표고산업 67
2. 중국의 표고산업 62
3. 시사점 77
제6장 표고 산업의 발전 방향과 정책과제 78
1. 표고산업의 종합 진단과 발전방향 78
2. 표고산업 발전을 위한 정책 과제 83
제7장 요약 및 결론 95
참고문헌 101
The aim of this study is to examine production, distribution, back and forward support systems of shiitake(oak mushroom) industry in Korea and suggest some policy directions and strategies to strengthen its competitiveness.
Although the size of shiitake industry have been largely increased last decade due to the sharply risen demand for shiitake in the domestic market, and the trend expected continued. However, Korea shiitake industry has some threats. The major threats are increase of shiitake imports from China, low vitalities of shiitake spawn, deficiencies of log for shiitake cultivation and increase of rural area wages, etc.
The followings are required to enhance the competitiveness of shiitake industry;
① Introduction and expansion of sawdust cultivation technology
② Development of quality spawn
③ Low-cost supply of log
④ Mechanization of cultivation facilities
⑤ achieving economies of scale by motivating cooperation and vertical integration
⑥ Reforming distribution structures of shiitake
The aim of this study is to examine production, distribution, back and forward support systems of shiitake(oak mushroom) industry in Korea and suggest some policy directions and strategies to strengthen its competitiveness.
Although the size of shiitake industry have been largely increased last decade due to the sharply risen demand for shiitake in the domestic market, and the trend expected continued. However, Korea shiitake industry has some threats. The major threats are increase of shiitake imports from China, low vitalities of shiitake spawn, deficiencies of log for shiitake cultivation and increase of rural area wages, etc.
The followings are required to enhance the competitiveness of shiitake industry;
① Introduction and expansion of sawdust cultivation technology
② Development of quality spawn
③ Low-cost supply of log
④ Mechanization of cultivation facilities
⑤ achieving economies of scale by motivating cooperation and vertical integration
⑥ Reforming distribution structures of shiitake

저자에게 문의

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상세정보 조회49202
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