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대만의 쌀 시장 개방과 시사점

제1장 서론 1
1. 연구의 배경과 목적 1
2. 연구 방법 및 범위 2
3. 주요 연구 내용 3
제2장 대만 쌀산업 현황 4
1. 쌀 수급 실태 4
2. 쌀 관련 정책 7
제3장 대만 쌀 시장 개방 과정 13
1. WTO 가입 협상 과정과 내용 13
2. WTO 가입 조건 13
3. WTO 가입에 따른 쌀 시장 개방 내용 17
4. 쌀 관세화에 따른 시장개방 과정 23
제4장 대만 쌀 시장 개방 영향 28
1. 국내 쌀 수급 변화 28
2. 수입 쌀의 국내 유통 및 판매 30
3. 쌀 가격 추이 32
4. 국내 쌀 관련 정책의 변화 34
제5장 우리나라에 대한 시사점 41
1. 쌀협상에 관하여 41
2. 국내 대책에 관하여 43
Abstract 53
참고문헌 54
In the face of rice negotiations, it is very important to establish negotiation strategies to minimize both negative impact on rice farmers and related industries in addition to Korea's rural economy. To prepare for optimal results in negotiations, we should take advantage of, and ponder Taiwan's experience- as it was previously in a similar situation as Korea is now facing.
The purpose of this study is to analyze the process of rice tariffication, changes in the domestic rice industry before and after rice market opening, the impacts of such rice market opening, rice import management and the changes in policy after tariffication. Such results may provide valuable information for the establishment of strategies for rice negotiations and such counter plans.
Taiwan's tariffication gives us an informative lesson that the opening of the rice market is a type of tariffication or MMA expansion. This process, with additional terms demanded by rice importers may be the key factor that influences Korea's domestic rice market and rice industry. Terms of such a rice market opening include particular restrictions on the management of rice imports.
These restrictions are obstacles to an effective domestic rice industry- it is important that rice imports are released into the domestic market. Based on the Taiwanese experience, we should be concerned about securing conditions in which we may take a more flexible measure on imported rice in the domestic market.
It is necessary to prepare counter plans such as a Rice Import Relief System, which has been successfully operating since the start of tariffication in Taiwan. This system gives rice farmers a sense of price stability when a sharp decline in prices may occur. In addition, diverse measures for price stabilization, production restructuring and rice import management, and long-term measures to secure food security are necessary.

저자에게 문의

상세정보 조회33364
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