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밀양시 농업·농촌 발전계획 수립 연구

2004.01.01 15764
연구보고서 표지
  • 과제성격
  • 저자
    유승우, 김수석; 김병률; 송미령; 박경철
  • 등록일
  • 연구주제

서장 계획수립의 개요 1
제1절 계획 수립의 배경과 필요성 1
제2절 연구 목적 2
제3절 연구 범위 3
제4절 연구 방법 3
제5절 연구 추진 일정 5
제6절 연구 추진 체계(단계) 6
제Ⅰ편 밀양시 농업·농촌 발전 구상 7
제1장 계획 수립의 전제 9
제1절 밀양시의 주요 농정시책 9
제2절 관련계획 검토 11
제3절 국내외 농업·농촌의 여건 변화와 전망 16
제2장 밀양시 농업·농촌의 현황과 특징 25
제1절 밀양시의 일반 현황 25
제2절 농업·농촌의 특성 34
제3절 주민의 개발수요 51
제4절 밀양시 농업·농촌의 SWOT 분석 57
제3장 밀양시 농업·농촌 비전과 미래상 63
제1절 밀양시 농업·농촌의 비전과 추진전략 63
제2절 비전 달성을 위한 과제 65
제3절 밀양시 농업·농촌의 미래상 68
제4절 2013년 밀양농업 발전지표 70
제Ⅱ편 부문별 발전계획 수립 71
제4장 농업개발 권역별 전략 수립 73
제1절 농업개발권역 설정 73
제2절 권역별 농업발전 전략 75
제5장 지역특화농업 개발 및 육성 81
제1절 밀양시 지역특화농업 현황 81
제2절 밀양시 농산물에 대한 소비지시장 평가 88
제3절 밀양시 지역특화품목 개발 전략 95
제4절 국내산 경주마 생산농가 육성 104
제6장 농산물 유통 및 가공 개선과 수출촉진 113
제1절 밀양시 농산물 유통 개선 113
제2절 농특산물 가공 개선 126
제3절 수출 촉진 130
제7장 그린투어리즘과 도농교류 활성화 135
제1절 밀양 관광의 현황 135
제2절 밀양 관광의 문제점 137
제3절 여건 변화 추세 및 밀양 주민의 관광개발에 대한 기대 138
제4절 밀양 그린투어리즘 추진의 SWOT 143
제5절 잠정적인 투자사업 제안 144
제8장 농업인력 및 생산기반 정비 165
제1절 농업인력 육성 165
제2절 농업생산기반 정비 172
제9장 농촌 생활복지환경 개선 181
제1절 생활환경 현항 181
제2절 생활환경 정비의 방향 184
제3절 생활환경 정비사업의 추진 184
제Ⅲ편 농림부문 투융자 계획 189
제10장 투융자 계획 수립 191
제1절 밀양시 재정분석 및 평가 191
제2절 농업·농촌 투융자 분석 194
제3절 농업·농촌 투융자계획 수립 198
제4절 계획의 추진체계 203
abstract 205
참고자료 209
부 록 213
1. 밀양시 농업·농촌발전계획 수립을 위한 개발수요조사 215
2. 외국의 농업·농촌개발 우수사례 현지조사(일본) 277
3. 읍면동별 개발수요 조사 및 최종보고회 결과 292
4. 품목별 소비지 평가 결과 312


Worldly changes in agricultural policies of various countries have impacted on domestic and local agriculture and agricultural policy. Among the changes are the completion of UR negotiation in 1993, agricultural and marketing openness by the WTO/DDA agricultural negotiation, the completion of FTA between Korea and Chile, the China's participation in WTO, agricultural policy changes of many countries towards putting more emphases on multifunctionality of agriculture, and so on. Domestically, there emerge differentiations in the quality of life, competitive capacity of each products, and income level among farm households based on interests in regional agriculture and investment by the local government. So, it becomes more and more important that the local government establish regional agricultural plans.
In particular, differentiation strategies which utilize local characteristics in agriculture are adopted by many local governments. Competitions among production regions become severer by branding of local products, promotion of C.I. businesses to create local image or the efforts of each local area to find export markets.
In such situation, this research set up a comprehensive agricultural and rural development plan of the city of Miryang, encompassing urban and rural areas, on the basis of the understanding of regional, environmental and social-economic features of both the city as a whole and each local area and the appraisal of SWOT and potential of regional agriculture. This especially focused on the planning for local development and the identification and development of a certain specialized products. In doing so, it provided the future of agriculture and rural areas of the City of Miryang, which was based on setting up the agricultural and rural vision of the city in 21C, determining the priorities of public investment and establishing development strategy in detail.
This research established the Miryang development strategy, dividing it into four areas: i) Eastern mountainous area; ii) Central and Northern semi-mountainous area; iii) Western semi-mountainous area; and vi) Southern plain area.
Eastern mountainous area includes Sannae-Myon and Danjang-Myon in the administrative districts. In this area, it is planned that rural tourism areas, medical herbs areas nearby Jaeyak mountain are created, and that apple and date are selected and developed as specialized local products. Sannae-Myon would promote interchange with urban regions based on businesses about rural tourism and participating in harvesting and assist an apple festival to sustain the reputation of the region for the specialized apple. In Danjang-Myon, it planned that rural tourist facilities are improved and that amenity is valorized by the ownership on terraced farmland and a locust festival.
Central and Northern semi-mountainous area covers Sanyoe-Myon, Sangdong-Myon, Bubuk-Myon and the city center of Miryang. It will develop a garden city, create a horticulture area along Miryang river and assist the production of sesame leaves as a specialized product. In addition, it will establish a large scale equestrian area and use the existing Miryang Play Area for a cultural festival.
Western semi-mountainous area includes Cheongdo-Myon, Mooahan-Myon and Chodong-Myon. The development plan would promote several estates for equipped horticultural products, processing of agricultural products and animal breedings, and some special types of chilli are development as local specific products. Buddhism tourist facilities are also enhanced.
Southern plain comprises of Samrangjin-Eup, Hanam-Eup and Sangnap-Myon and will be developed as a large scale rice farming area. It also develop a large scale distribution center. Strawberry and persimmon will be developed as specialised products of the regions. In addition, an area for environmentally friendly farming will be created near Hanam-Eup and Namjeon-Ri. The locally produced hops are sold to a factory for beer production.
Researchers: Seung-Woo Ryu, Soo-Suk Kim, Byung-Yul Kim, Mi-Ryung Song, Kyong-Cheol Park
E-mail Address: sewryu@krei.re.kr

Worldly changes in agricultural policies of various countries have impacted on domestic and local agriculture and agricultural policy. Among the changes are the completion of UR negotiation in 1993, agricultural and marketing openness by the WTO/DDA agricultural negotiation, the completion of FTA between Korea and Chile, the China's participation in WTO, agricultural policy changes of many countries towards putting more emphases on multifunctionality of agriculture, and so on. Domestically, there emerge differentiations in the quality of life, competitive capacity of each products, and income level among farm households based on interests in regional agriculture and investment by the local government. So, it becomes more and more important that the local government establish regional agricultural plans.
In particular, differentiation strategies which utilize local characteristics in agriculture are adopted by many local governments. Competitions among production regions become severer by branding of local products, promotion of C.I. businesses to create local image or the efforts of each local area to find export markets.
In such situation, this research set up a comprehensive agricultural and rural development plan of the city of Miryang, encompassing urban and rural areas, on the basis of the understanding of regional, environmental and social-economic features of both the city as a whole and each local area and the appraisal of SWOT and potential of regional agriculture. This especially focused on the planning for local development and the identification and development of a certain specialized products. In doing so, it provided the future of agriculture and rural areas of the City of Miryang, which was based on setting up the agricultural and rural vision of the city in 21C, determining the priorities of public investment and establishing development strategy in detail.
This research established the Miryang development strategy, dividing it into four areas: i) Eastern mountainous area; ii) Central and Northern semi-mountainous area; iii) Western semi-mountainous area; and vi) Southern plain area.
Eastern mountainous area includes Sannae-Myon and Danjang-Myon in the administrative districts. In this area, it is planned that rural tourism areas, medical herbs areas nearby Jaeyak mountain are created, and that apple and date are selected and developed as specialized local products. Sannae-Myon would promote interchange with urban regions based on businesses about rural tourism and participating in harvesting and assist an apple festival to sustain the reputation of the region for the specialized apple. In Danjang-Myon, it planned that rural tourist facilities are improved and that amenity is valorized by the ownership on terraced farmland and a locust festival.
Central and Northern semi-mountainous area covers Sanyoe-Myon, Sangdong-Myon, Bubuk-Myon and the city center of Miryang. It will develop a garden city, create a horticulture area along Miryang river and assist the production of sesame leaves as a specialized product. In addition, it will establish a large scale equestrian area and use the existing Miryang Play Area for a cultural festival.
Western semi-mountainous area includes Cheongdo-Myon, Mooahan-Myon and Chodong-Myon. The development plan would promote several estates for equipped horticultural products, processing of agricultural products and animal breedings, and some special types of chilli are development as local specific products. Buddhism tourist facilities are also enhanced.
Southern plain comprises of Samrangjin-Eup, Hanam-Eup and Sangnap-Myon and will be developed as a large scale rice farming area. It also develop a large scale distribution center. Strawberry and persimmon will be developed as specialised products of the regions. In addition, an area for environmentally friendly farming will be created near Hanam-Eup and Namjeon-Ri. The locally produced hops are sold to a factory for beer production.
Researchers: Seung-Woo Ryu, Soo-Suk Kim, Byung-Yul Kim, Mi-Ryung Song, Kyong-Cheol Park
E-mail Address: sewryu@krei.re.kr

유승우Ryu, Seungwoo
소속: 연우회
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유승우Ryu, Seungwoo
소속: 연우회
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농민신문 지면 개선을 위한 여론조사 : 결과보고서
농업전망 2004