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International Agricultural Trade in the Pacific Rim Countries

Keynote Speech
International Integration and Agricultural Policy : Progress, Prospects, and Implications/Daniel A. Sumner/1
International Rice Sector
The Structure and Prospects for Rice Trade in the Asia-Pacific Region /Jaeok Lee/21
Prospects for Additional Reform in the International Rice Marker/Frank M. Han and Garth J. Holloway/39
International Rice Sector : Discussion /Young-Kon Koh/61
International Rice Sector : Doo Bong Han /65
International Beef Sector
Beef Trade in the Pacific Rim : Post Uruguay Round /Suzanne Dolye, Ahn Bui-Lan, Antonia Rodriguez, Agost Bernard and Patrick Whish-Wilson/67
The Implications of Beef Trade Liberalization in the Pacific Rim Countries : A Korean Perspective / Seung-Youll Shin/89
International Beef Sector : Discussion /Byung-Oh Lee/115
International Beef Sector : Discussion /Myeong-Cheol Hwang /119
International Feed Grain Sector
Structural Adjustment in the World Feed Grain Industry and Implications for the Korean Livestock Sector /Won W. Koo/121
Challenges for Canada's Grain Trade in the 21st Century / Oh Yul Kwon /137
International Feed Grain Trade in the Pacific Rim Countries in the Era of the WTO : A Korean Perspective / Seung-Ryong Yang/ 167
International Feed Grain Sector : Discussion /Bong-Soon Kang /195
International Feed Grain Sector : Discussion /Suk-Won Yoon /197

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