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 연 개 Speaker Information

글로벌녹색성장기구 (GGGI)
발표자: Frank Rijsberman, Director-General of Global Green Growth Institute

유엔식량농업기구 (UN FAO)
발표자: Qu Dongyu, Director-General of Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

국제농업개발기금 (IFAD)
발표자: Gilbert F. Houngbo, President of International Fund for Agricultural Development

좌장: Myung-soo Lee, Director, Global Agro Network

유엔세계식량계획 (UN WFP)
발표주제: Global Food Crisis amidst COVID-19 and WFP’s Expanded Operations
발표자: 임형준, 한국사무소장

국제미작연구소 (IRRI)
발표주제: Digital Agriculture and the Post-COVID19 Future of Food Systems
발표자: Carolyn Florey, Technology for Development Leader

세계은행 (WB)
발표주제: COVID-19 and Food Security
발표자: Madhur Gautam, Lead Agriculture Economist

필리핀 (Philippines)
발표주제: The Philippines Food Security Framework: Survive, Reboot, Grow towards Socio-Economic Recovery and Resiliency
발표자: Fernando D. Flores, Officer-in-Charge-Director, Department of Agriculture

토론자: Ji-hyun Yoon, Professor, Seoul National University

토론자: Hye-rang Kim, Professor, Howon University

토론자: Seng Vang, Director, Department of Agricultural Land Resources Management, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Cambodia

좌장: Kyung-ryang Kim, Professor Emeritus, Kangwon National University

국제농업개발기금 (IFAD)
발표주제: Accelerationg thr Digital Transformation of Smallholder Agriculture in Southeast Asia in the Wake of the Covid19 Pandemic:Lessons Learned, Challenges, and IFAD's Role in Driving Change
발표자: Fabrizio Bresciani, Lead Regional Economist

   Simone Sala, ICT4D Senior Advisor

   Ilaria Firmian, Technical Specialist

유엔해비타트 (UN-HABITAT)
발표주제: City & Youth, Smart Urban and Rural Linkage
발표자: Douglas Ragan, Programme Specialist

발표주제: Strategies for Strengthening Agriculture Development and Export Facilitation amid COVID-19 Pandemic
발표자: Ade Candradijaya, Director, Ministry of Agriculture

발표주제: ICT Application in Vietnam's Agriculture and Potentiality of Vietnam-Korea Cooperation
발표자: Nguyen Do Anh Tuan, Director-General, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

라오스 (Lao PDR)
발표주제: Challenges to Agriculture Development in post COVID-19 in Lao PDR
발표자: Phommy Inthichack, Deputy Director General, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry

토론자: Woo-seok Jeon, Manager, Korea Agency for Education, Promotion and Information Service in Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

토론자: Young-ah Lim, Research Fellow, Korea Rural Economic Institute

토론자: Yang-hoon Song, Professor, Chungbuk National University

세계은행 (WB)
발표자: Martien Van Nieuwkoop, Global Director of World Bank

국제미작연구소 (IRRI)
발표자: Matthew Morell, Director-General of International Rice Research Institute

좌장: Han-sang Yoo, Professor, Seoul National University

국제축산연구소 (ILRI)
발표주제: One Health Approach to Address Zoonotic and Emerging Infectious Diseases and Antimicrobial Resistance Issued in LMIC's
발표자: Hung Nguyen-Viet, Co-Program Leader

유엔식량농업기구 (UN FAO)
발표주제: FAO's One Health Approach to Reduce the Impact of Zoonoses
발표자: Andriy Rozstalnyy, Animal Health Expert

발표주제: Mongolia: The Animal Health Situation
발표자: Zaya Batkhishig, Foreign Relations Officer

토론자: Yeun-kyung Shin, Senior Researcher, Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency

토론자: Dae-sub Song, Professor, Korea University

토론자: Fred Unger, Regional Representative for ILRI East and Southeast Asia

토론자: Yeon-su Oh, Professor, Kangwon National University

좌장: Chang-gil Kim, Invited Professor, Seoul National University

글로벌녹색성장기구 (GGGI)
발표주제: Climate-Smart Agriculture Solutions to Food Security, Green Jobs and Efficient Water Use
발표자: Romain Brillie, Country Representative to Senegal
   Chris Dickinson, Head of Sustainable Landscapes

유엔개발계획 (UNDP)
발표주제:Beyond Recovery-Driving Transformation in Food and Agricultural Commodity Systems
발표자: Yusuke Taishi, Regional Technical Advisor

캄보디아 (Cambodia)
발표주제: Status of Agricultural Value Chain in Cambodia
발표자: Samedi Heng, Chief of Office, Department of International Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

미얀마 (Myanmar)
발표주제: Assessment of COVID-19 Impacts on Agriculture Sector in Myanmar and Response Plan
발표자: Kyaw Swe Lin, Director-General, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation

아르메니아 (Armenia)
발표주제: The impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on the Food Supply Chains of Armenia
발표자: Khojoyan Arman, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Economy

토론자: Chris Dickinson, Head of Sustainable Landscapes, Global Green Growth Institute

토론자: Dae-seob Lee, Professor, Kangwon National University

토론자: Song-soo Lim, Professor, Korea University