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Greetings From KAPEX Alumni 

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About 2020 KAPEX academy online training

Beata Humilda O. Obsioma

Senior Manager

National Meat Inspection Service (NMIS)

1) How do I feel about participating in KAPEX


I felt privileged to be allowed to attend the training during the 2020 KAPEX Online Academy and observed through virtual presentations some of South Korea’s technological advances in agriculture. Much more, I was surprised at the end of the training but very much elated and grateful to KREI for the Outstanding Action Plan Award. I felt empowered and inspired to give my best effort as a public servant to my office, the National Meat Inspection Service (NMIS), in particular, and to my country, the Philippines (PH), in general.


2) What I learned from KAPEX Online Training Program


I learned that with the strong support of the South Korean government in terms of needed policies, technical assistance and capacity building activities, and financial support coupled with the dedication, industry, and talent of the South Korean people, growth in agriculture has greatly flourished to its current state. The success of the South Korean agriculture is very much worthy to be emulated by developing country like the Philippines..


3) How did I apply what I learned from KAPEX to my home country


With the learnings and insights that I got from the training, I was inspired to take action, vowed to contribute for the betterment of the country, and made the following proposals to improve the NMIS’ services to the people:


(a) Since I work at the National Meat Inspection Service (NMIS), I was particularly interested in the inspection and grading of carcasses. We have now finished our research on the development of the Philippines pork carcass grading system. This research was funded by KREI through the Bureau of Animal Industry (BAI). The research team members were also participants in the 2020 KAPEX Online Academy. We patterned the proposed PH pork carcass grading system from South Korea’s grading system which has two (2) tiers of carcass grades, that is, hot carcass grades and chilled carcass grades. The prescribed process of converting our research output into the Philippine National Standard (PNS) has commenced with public consultations with the hog producers, academe, and meat industry sector representatives. The official PNS is scheduled to be issued by March 2022.


(b) I drafted the Bill for submission to the Philippine Congress to institutionalize the mandatory implementation of the Philippine food animal carcass grading system by the meat industry nationwide. In the drafted bill, I proposed for the mandatory implementation of the food animal carcass grading system by the Meat Business Operators (MBOs) which will be directly supervised by the NMIS since the agency has already assigned meat inspection officers (veterinarians and meat inspectors) in the slaughterhouses throughout the country. The livestock producers are supporting the carcass grading system because it will have direct effect on the meat prices in the local market and they will benefit from it.


(c) The NMIS submitted also proposal to the Philippine Department of Budget and Management (DBM) for the creation of plantilla positions for data collectors and encoders at the Local Government Units. This is to address the need for primary data directly from the countryside to be used by our policy decision makers.


(d) Since the establishment of laboratories in the sixteen (16) regions of the Philippines and the local government units will need huge budget from the national and local governments for the procurement of laboratory equipment, I am now in the process of drafting the procedures on the accreditation of private third (3rd) party service provider for laboratory examinations by the national government. Both the national and local government offices can submit their samples for analyses to the accredited laboratories.
