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2020년도 국제농업협력사업(KAPEX) 참여기관 인터뷰: 인도네시아 농업부 기반시설국

2020년도 국제농업협력사업(KAPEX) 참여기관 인터뷰 : 인도네시아 농업부 기반시설국


Q1. please introduce about your institute which is participating in the KAPEX project. What kinds of ODA projects you have done so far, and what are your strong points as one of our partners?


The Institution is Directorate of Agriculture Machinery, Directorat General (DG) of Agriculture Infrastructure and Facilities, Ministry of Agriculture, Republic of Indonesia. Directorat of Agriculture Machinery already done The Pilot Project on Mechanized Rice Farming Complex In Indonesia located in Banjarnegara City, Central Java Province 2013 – 2015 Sponsored by The Korea Rural Community Corporation. Korea as one of the developed country in Asia and also friend of our country Indonesia. We learn about everything from South Korea especially Agriculture. Korea already has experience in advancing its agriculture and i want Indonesia to learn about it.


Q2. what do you want to do most through KAPEX. In other words, what do you expect to get from this project, together with your plan and ambition?


The following 2020 project sholud be better than the previous. This project should have an impact of the real modern agricultural land which ready to be cultivate where all the infastructure and facilities can be run at the field or we can say it the modern agriculture base on mechanization. All of side must be strong, institutional and business. Business activities are inseparable from institutiuon. Therefor, in this project, besides endeavoring to add inputs, resources must be strengthened including institution.


Q3. what kinds of change do you expect after this project? That is, what will be achieved through this project in your community?


The chages that we expect in the project area are (1) The area can be the centre of the modern of agricultrual land where all the supporting packages can be run optimal in the field.

(2) Improve existing resource such as human resource at management level and who understand the technical. Institutional resource development is also not sprared from handling. and (3) Increase the agriculture productivities and cropping index at the procject area.
