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Greetings From KAPEX Alumni 

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Greetings from Mongolia

Greetings from Mongolia


Zolzaya Jargalsaikhan

2016 KAPEX Mongolian Trainee

My name is Zolzaya Jargalsaikhan. I was born as the second child into a family of six, in Darkhan-Uul Province on the 1st of March, 1988. I earned my bachelor’s degree in Urban Planning Cadastral and Land management at the Mongolian University of Science and Technology in 2009. Then, I received my master’s degree in Agriculture Forage and Grassland Sciencee at the China Agriculture University in 2014. After my study, I was given the privilege of working at the Administration for Inter-Aimag Otor Pastureland Use and Coordination appointed by the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry of Mongolia from 2014 to present date. During those years, I acquired many new skills and invaluable knowledge in accordance with my profession by working with many local, private and international sectors.


Another notable experience would be the time I attended the KAPEX workshop of ‘Improving the Capacity of Agricultural Policy Development of Developing Partner Countries’ that was held between the public officials (or of equivalent) of KAPEX partner countries by exchanging our experiences on agricultural development through the Korean agricultural policy of “Rural development and irrigation system improvement.”

The training lasted 6 months and was very effective, combining lectures and practical experiences on agricultural products, its development, health, and legal systems. I also learned much from my peers from Korea, Mozambique and Indonesia who generously exchanged their experiences that I was able to gain a new perspective on developing our agriculture in a way that was most beneficial and effective.

These knowledge and experience paid off well for the Administration for Inter-Aimag Otor Pastureland Use and Coordination. Since 2016, we organized more than 50 training and consultations and have empowered over 800 staff and herders, and shared the experiences we obtained from other countries.


Currently, we are initiating a number of researches relating to the pastureland that are waiting to be taken into consideration by the Minister of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry of Mongolia.

We are contributing to the development of Ministry of Agriculture by protecting the livestock from natural disaster by building Otor reserve pastures; improving management, conservation and proper use of inter-aimag Otor pastureland; managing water supply for Otor area; providing favorable condition and social services for Otor users; as well as locating new Otor pastureland resources and take under its protection in accordance to our function.


I am truly grateful for having trained at the Korean Rural Economic Institute (KREI). I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to the (KREI) professors, doctors, young researchers, specially to our Scientific advisor Kim Hongsang Ph.D, Youngah Lim Ph.D, co-advisor MPP Choi Yong-woog and for sharing the Academy program to improve the capacity of agricultural policy development of partner countries.

Participants from Mongolia, including Enkhtuya Tserendorj, Oyunsuvd Gendenjamts and myself, are truly grateful for attending the 2016 KAPEX Training Course.

